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She was so scared as she ran through the dark street that her knees were on the verge of giving way. The only source of strength she could draw upon was the adrenaline coursing through her like a wild surge. The fear of death could override everything when there was something to lose. Just a few weeks ago, her life wasn't as significant. The promise she had made to herself, the news she had always dreamed of holding in her hands, and, of course, her dear friend Mustafa—these were the most important things. If she died, she would be leaving Mustafa halfway. It couldn't happen now, she couldn't die. They were running aimlessly, turning left and right in the streets. They crouched behind a car for a moment to catch their breath. Yusuf, gasping for air, held onto Nil's shoulder and said, "Let's split up here. I'll lead him on a chase, he won't be able to catch me. You go somewhere behind the gas station at the highway exit and wait for me." Nil couldn't object to the situation. Her heart was pounding like crazy, and her strength was dwindling in her legs. Yusuf seemed to be in good condition compared to Nil, so the plan might work. Nil nodded in agreement, unable to muster the energy to speak. Yusuf made a lot of noise as he emerged from behind the car and started running, catching the attention of the agent at the beginning of the street who immediately pursued him. Seeing Yusuf and the agent moving away, Nil began walking quickly. The gas station was about a ten-minute walk away.

She moved to the side of a tree in front of a high garden wall. She could observe her surroundings while also hiding herself as much as possible. Nearly an hour had passed. She tried to suppress the bad scenarios that came to her mind. Yusuf would come to her safely, he had to, otherwise she would never forgive herself. Occasionally, she quickly rubbed her tired eyes and continued to carefully observe her surroundings. When she saw Yusuf walking about fifty meters ahead, occasionally glancing around with his head down, she almost cried with happiness this time. She carefully approached Yusuf while keeping an eye on her surroundings. Yusuf had noticed Nil right away. His pace quickened, and when there was no distance left between them, he hugged Yusuf for the first time.

"Thank goodness you're okay."

"I'm fine, don't worry. The exercises I've been doing for years finally paid off."

"What happened to the agent?"

"I don't know. I lost him by jumping over a high garden wall. He must still be looking for us. In fact, others have probably started chasing us as well. We need to go to a safer place and make a plan."

The pair walked through the dark sides of the streets, making their way towards neighborhoods close to the city center. They entered an abandoned construction site they found to catch their breath and assess the situation.

"They must have learned that Mustafa went to Denizli. I wish I could have warned Mustafa."

"It's terrible that we witnessed that murder, Nil. We can't use the car anymore, we can't go back to Izmir, and we're stuck here unable to go to Denizli."

"Our only option is to secretly go to Mugla. I have an old friend living in Fethiye, and if we can reach there, he will help us."

"It seems like we don't have any other choice."

When the darkness of the night began to give way to shades of blue, Nil and Yusuf had reached the road to Muğla. Whenever they saw a suspicious vehicle, they would hide, and when they thought it was harmless, they hitchhiked. None of the cars they liked attempted to pick them up. They waved at a slowly approaching tractor. The old man driving the tractor smiled at them and stopped by their side. "Where are you going, youngsters?"

"We're going to Muğla, uncle. Where are you going?" Yusuf spoke sincerely.

"I can take you as far as Çine if you want, the rest is up to you."

Nil: The Lost BrotherHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin