The Team

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Nil enjoyed waking up to the sound of the sea. She had spent the night at the Rock Bar just to experience this. The bar was like a symbol of this place. Located at a high point where the northern wall of the valley met the sea, this open-air bar had a perfect view of the bay. The flat cliffs on the side of the bar had been transformed into a terrace with fixed stakes and ropes in between. The large cushions placed on the ground were perfect for sleeping, and some people preferred to sleep here instead of in their tents. Although the valley, facing east, offered a peaceful morning sleep shielded from the morning sun, Nil woke up with the first light of the day and got ready to start her day. Sleeping in the fresh air was much more refreshing than sleeping at home.

After spending some time reading a book on the beach, Nil went to the dining area to have breakfast. Yusuf, with a plate in one hand and tongs in the other, was toasting bread at the barbecue pit set up near the dining tables, while Gözde was busy filling her plate with breakfast items. Nil took an empty plate and joined the food line. After filling their plates, they settled at one of the tables under the large pergola covered with grapevines. Yusuf exclaimed in admiration, "One could live a lifetime here," as he continued to examine the surroundings. Nil sighed and replied, "I think the same every time I come here." Gözde asked them the question that would bring them back to reality.

"When is the team coming?"

"Two people will come with the twelve o'clock boat, and two others will come with the six o'clock boat."

Although Yusuf didn't trust these people at all, he didn't oppose the plan because he couldn't come up with a better solution. But he didn't hesitate to voice his mistrust.

"Do we know the names of the people coming?"

"No, they don't know ours either."

"They're looking for us everywhere. I hope these people keep their mouths shut."

"I'm aware that we're taking risks, Yusuf, but they're also taking risks by coming here."

When the midday heat became intense, they tried to cool off by drinking cold beverages in the stone house they had converted into a meeting room. Nil impatiently checked the time.

"The boat should have arrived by now. Should we go and check the shore?"

"I spoke to the reception, and they will direct them here when they arrive."

As Nil finished speaking, there was a knock on the door. Nil eagerly jumped up and opened the door. Two people were standing there, one very young and the other in his forties. After a moment of staring, the young one spoke up, "Are you the Mermaid?"

Yusuf and Gözde burst into laughter after exchanging glances. Nil blushed and invited their guests inside. "I couldn't come up with a nickname at that moment, what can I say?" Nil gestured to Yusuf and Gözde, saying, "This is Gözde and Yusuf. Welcome again. Take a moment to catch your breath, and we'll get to know each other in more detail."

Gözde and Yusuf waved their hands in greeting to the newcomers.

"Nil, when will you tell us the whole story? I'm so curious and excited. I've been waiting for this moment all my life!" Berk's enthusiasm brought a smile to everyone's faces.

"I'll tell the full story when the rest of the team joins us. Right now, everyone already knows the basics of what we're dealing with," Nil replied.

Please note that the translation provided above may not capture the full nuance and context of the original text.

While Nil was speaking, Hasan could be heard grumbling.


Nil didn't pay attention to this reaction because she herself didn't know what was right or wrong anymore.

Nil: The Lost BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now