Secret Government

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Nil, walking on the paper-covered ground, tried to make sense of the large patterns on the floor. These large black paints started to look familiar. It wasn't a pattern, it was writing. The letters were so huge that they formed words but reading them was almost impossible. She hurried over the letters, trying to remember and hold them in her mind, forming sentences. Her thirst for knowledge was drying her throat, pushing her to run faster, to read more. As her head began to spin, an earthquake came to her mind, and the letters slipped from under her feet. This wasn't an earthquake. The area she was running in was a gigantic page. Although she couldn't read it, she knew that everything was written in this book. But the book was beginning to close. She had to either escape and survive or stay inside the book and learn the hidden knowledge among the words she had dedicated her life to.

"She's opening her eyes!" Gözde exclaimed in joy. She hugged her injured friend with her gaze.

"Welcome back, tired hero," Yusuf said with a smile, his hand resting on Berkin's shoulder.

As Nil tried to gather her thoughts, she asked for updates from her team. "What happened?"

"I wonder which part you've forgotten this time. Please don't make me tell the story of my ex-wife again!"

"Hasan, how did you escape from the valley?"

Berk interjected, "Let me tell it, please, please." They nodded with a smile of approval.

"A woman named Rezan came. I think she was your friend. She told us that the agents were coming and we had to escape. So we immediately left the stone house, leaving behind all the phones and computers. But I, being clever, took my drone with me. Although we couldn't have escaped without Gözde's exceptional acting skills."

"Let me introduce you to my wealthy boyfriend Hasan and his stepson Berk," Gözde said, giggling.

"You guys are crazy, seriously. How did you manage to fool those agents?" Nil's astonishment was evident on her tired face.

"They were so focused on finding you that this crazy family didn't catch their attention at all."

When Nil saw her friends, she momentarily forgot about what had happened to her until the pain in her arm caused her to furrow her brow. She looked at the bandage on her arm and turned to Yusuf.

"How did it happen, Yusuf? How did you manage to save my life?"

"Let's say it's the benefit of watching a lot of action movies. If your attention hadn't been distracted, you would have noticed the balloon seller drawing his gun."

"I've lost count of how many times you've saved my life."

"Rest now. It's your turn, now you'll save all of us."

The area around the hospital had been heavily guarded by the police and intelligence agencies, and expert security personnel were assigned to Nil and her team. The moment Nil was shot, the lynching of the agent by the public, everything was recorded on cell phones and cameras, spreading on social media. Nil's rising popularity had gained recognition from high-level officials. Following the events, rapid security council meetings took place, and it was decided to offer Nil a consultancy role based on her experiences.

After a day under the doctor's observation, Nil was getting ready to be discharged from the hospital, with her team by her side. The sounds of hustle and bustle coming from outside her open room door indicated a commotion in the hospital. A doctor entered the room quickly, speaking excitedly.

"The President is coming. He specifically wants to visit you and have a conversation, Nil Hanım."

"Oh no, am I going to meet him in this state? Gözde, help me!"

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