Final Quest

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It felt like she had experienced this moment before. A colorless, empty room like an interrogation chamber, two chairs, and a person sitting across from her. But this time, the person was someone she had trusted implicitly for months. She felt so exhausted, carrying within her fatigue a mix of anger, sadness, regret, and indescribable negative emotions. Every second, a new question came to her mind incessantly. If she tried to ask those questions, the words from her mouth wouldn't catch up to what was racing through her mind. She couldn't determine which question was more important.

"Why?" she simply said, as if demanding to hear everything.

In the face of Nil's shock and emotional intensity, Yusuf seemed to be going through an unpleasant day. There was no sign of excitement or unease in his voice or appearance.

"Why, Nil? If you're asking for personal reasons, trust me, there's nothing personal. I simply did my job."

"What is your job, Yusuf?"

"Let's just say, espionage."

"Who do you work for? Whose agent are you?"

"The Sirius state... Actually, I shouldn't be telling you all this, but thanks to Mustafa, the secrecy of this operation is gone. Either you'll die, or you'll find out."

The Sirius state, what was it? What was the secret? As new questions kept popping up in her mind like popcorn, she tried to calm herself down and organize her questions in her own way.

"You won't kill me until I find Mustafa. Then you'll tell me everything and satisfy my curiosity. By the way, you started telling me at the breakfast table. What would have happened if Mustafa hadn't sent the message?"

"First of all, it's not my decision to kill you. If it were up to me, I wouldn't want you to die; you're genuinely a good person. I had received an order to take you to Sirius, so I planned to tell you some of the truths at the breakfast table and convince you to come to Sirius willingly. Things went wrong, Nil. Mustafa messed things up. They decided to send him back to Earth. When I saw his message, I was certain that he would definitely want to find you. That's why we're here, waiting for him."

"How old are you?"

Yusuf couldn't have expected this question, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"I don't know, Nil. The question you asked isn't really suitable for someone like me or people like me. It's like asking someone sitting next to you on a bus how long they've been there."

"That was an answer for me."

"Your mind will get even more confused, but I'll explain everything, don't worry. We have so many memories from the adventures we've had together. You may think I'm not sincere, but I am. Despite it being a job, people become attached to those around them as they create memories together. That's the hardest part of my job. Throughout your history, I've spent time with so many people, some of whom I genuinely loved, and some I despised. You're among the ones I love."

"I felt special, thank you. Who else did you love, and who did you deceive while loving them?"

"Work is one thing, friendship is another, Nil. Deceiving is something I have to do as part of my job. If we start with recent times, one of the people I loved was Mustafa Kemal. He was incredibly intelligent, as brilliant as Tesla, and perhaps there may not be anyone I've known who can match his emotional intelligence. Maybe he could be compared to Da Vinci."

"I guess you're joking," she presumed.

" I'm not joking. I was alongside many people who would create turning points in history. It made my job much easier since cell phones hadn't been invented yet. I was there when Göbekli Tepe was built, when the migration to Stonehenge occurred. I was the right-hand man of pharaohs when the Egyptian civilization was established. I was also one of the disciples of Jesus, and I witnessed the migration of Muslims. I had countless missions, including Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, and many others I can't even mention. These are just the popular ones. There are many hidden gems you don't know about that I've worked with."

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