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DO YOU KNOW WHAT I JUST REALISED? I realised that  its supposed to be in present tense, not past tense. I'm going to go jump off my roof now, thank you. Ignore it, I'll find the heart to rewrite it some other time.

Getting up in the morning proved to be challenging since I hadn't had enough sleep. Slipping on some leggings and leaving my loose sweater on, I trudged to the bathroom and then back into my room to get a jacket as well as grab my bag, and left without a jog or breakfast. I was pretty sure there were bags under my eyes, my vision was hazy due to my sleepiness, but I didn't even have the fight in me to fix them.

A text came from Oliver, telling me that she was going to be there in a few.

The weather had taken a turn for the worse, snowing, although most of the snow from last night had not stuck to the ground. I wasn't too cold with my sweater and a nice coat that kept me toasty and warm but I still shivered.

Oliver pulled up in the driveway and I got in, relishing in the change of temperature. As I went over what happened last night, even though my twist had a slight sadness to it, Oliver nodded and let out couple aws. I just didn't know how to look at Jeremy anymore.

We parked in the parking lot and commotion hit us as soon as we step out of the car. We couldn't hear it over Oliver's obsession over Twenty-One Pilots.

Suddenly, a group forms in front of the school building and our eyebrows lift. Slowly we make our way there, seeing a bunch of paparazzi shooting pictures at someone.

"Is it Jeremy?" Oliver asked. I shrugged.

A reporter was also standing near them, saying something I couldn't hear over the noise. But then I realized that most of the people shoving are boys, not girls. As far as my information goes, Jeremy has a majority of girl fans.

My ears tune in to the reporter speaking.

"We are here at the school where star Madelyn Rose will be participating in a music coaching and music video filming. The star agreed to do this shoot after the school sent a letter, stating that they would love to have her here to be the setting for her new music video following the release of her recent album, 'Love Again,' to promote it. She also volunteered to do a music coaching class for chorus, earning the hearts of teachers and students," The woman reporter says."But this is also an opportunity for the singer to reunite with her sweetheart, Jeremy Lee Young."

"Woah, woah, woah." Oliver said wide-eyed.

Jeremy was standing next to her, trying to get rid of the paps but they only take it as him being the knight in shining armor. My chest tightens. Her gaze zeros into me as I make my way through the crowd and she deliberately clings onto his arm to pull him away from the crowd and make it inside, the reporters forced to stay out. They quietly leave until they spot me still standing among the crowd of boo-ing boys.

More shouting occurs as the cameras turn away, however.

"Jenn Miller!" One reporter shouted and the rest snaoped their heads over to me. They surrounded me from all corners, trapping me in the little circle and I try to break free. The body guards belonging to Madelyn had already left and I just stood there, alone, trying to fight my way out and find Oliver who was clawing her way in. The police on the outside tried to get in.

They failed, and I was trapped.

"What do you think of Madelyn fliming at the school? Can you confirm their relationship?"

"Are you the 'different' girl Jeremy talked about?" My head started spinning and I lost sight of Oliver, who has been shoved out of the way somewhere. I tried to look for her through the crowd but the cameras are blocking my sight . . . towering . . . I staggered.

The Dimple Project [Camp NaNoWriMo 2015]Where stories live. Discover now