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Are you kidding me!? I'm way to young to marry, much less be forced into it! This is the 21st fucking century! I shouldn't be forced into anything!

"I'm not understanding anything"

"I'm involved with the mafia, as I said earlier." I nodded. "You understand I can't get caught, this line of business is very secretive." I nod my head again, even though I have no clue where he's going. " Let me put it this way. I want to come off as a 'family man'" he air quotes. "so if I want to do that, I actually need a family. That's where you come in, as my wife. Are you following?"

I think I understand. But one simple thing " why the hell would I agree to that?"

He laughed slightly, it's not an endearing laugh, though, it's creepy, as if he's psychotic, though I guess most people in this industry are. " do you think you have a choice, sweetheart?" I don't like how he uses that endearment as a way to objectify me.

I try to think of a way out of this, I can't marry this man, I just met him. This is not how my life is supposed to go! I was supposed to go to law school, Mary, a nice, sweet guy-this man is anything, but-then have a nice family, sitting on the front porch, drinking iced tea! Not being the wife of a murderer, who kidnaps people on a whim.

"what's your name, then. If you're going to be my husband surly I should know your name."

"it's Enzo. That is all you are to know about me." this asshole. " we are to marry tomorrow."

Like hell we are.

" it's all just for my image, love. Nothing personal." nothing personal my ass. "now, anything else? I don't have all day, I'm a busy man."

"yeah, I have a question, asshole when can I go back to my house? When can I see my friends again! And when can I go back to school. Because I don't know if you know this, buddy, but you are like completely derailing my life right now."

"I am aware, and because of this, we will compensate you, you will also get your own room, and now because you're my wife, you were under my protection. You also have access to my personal bank account."

This man is ruining my life just so he doesn't get caught " I don't want your dumb money, or your 'protection' I say, in a mocking tone. " I want to go home."

"that's not an option, mio Tesoro." he turns back to the papers on his desk.

Mio Tesoro?
What even is that language?

"I will have my men escort you to your room." He continues like he didn't just speak in a whole other language.

Two men come up beside me, and I stand up defiantly and start walking with them, to who knows where. This place is huge. It takes five minutes just to get me to my stupid room. One of the men pulls out a card and swipe sick, on the red platform next to the door, the red platform, turn screen in the door, pops open, one of the men leaves and weather goes inside, I follow. I know I could try to run, but I know I have a very slim chance of escaping. Once inside I look around. The room is the biggest thing I've ever seen. It's plain but huge, and probably cost so much money. I see a desk, a bed, my own bathroom and reading nook, I've lived in some nice houses, but I've never seen anything as big as this. Everything is white, though, which takes away some of the flavor.

I guess the man in black catches me looking at the reading nook in the corner, because he says, "your file said you like reading"

My file?

I turned to him and look at him strangely. The only person I've heard talk in this place was that weird man. "I know it looks plain, but Enzo says you can customize it however you want." my eyebrows scrunch together. "sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Ryan I'm your guard I'll be with you most of the day. I'm assigned to you, so I'll just follow you around and basically make sure you don't try anything." How could somebody from this place come off so nice? " I know it's weird at first, but you'll get used to it here. It's really not that bad, you can have anything you want, and Enzo will likely leave you alone most of the time. You'll just have to be around him in public that's not so bad right?"

"W-why are you being so nice?" I question.

"well, I guess because I know you're probably terrified, you seem like you need a friend, right now." he replies. That's valid, I guess. " I'm going to wait outside your room, if you need anything ring, that bell," he points to a bell next to the door. " he has made that can get you almost anything. You can go outside-with an escort, of course-and you can get books or TV, or anything really to keep you occupied, as long as you do it, Enzo says, you'll be fine. Any questions?"

"Uhhhh, yeah, where am I?" I asked, desperately, hoping for an answer.

" sorry, I can't tell you that, maybe later, when I have more trust in you. Though I can tell you that you're pretty far from your old home."

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