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"I want you to train" Enzo broke the silence.

I look up from my food and meet Enzo's eyes. He doesn't talk much during breakfeast, so this is a first. This man is never specific, it is getting so annoying. "Elaborate"

"After breakfast I'll have somebody take you to the training arena.
If you're involved with me-which you are- you're involved with the mafia. And that can be extremely dangerous if you don't know what your doing. I want you to know how to protect yourself." He specifies

I slam my fork down. "How could you get me involved with this if you knew it would jeopardize my safety!"

He's silent for a moment before answering. "It just a precaution. I'll try my hardest to avoid my work from coming to you. But on the off chance it does I want you to be prepared."

Time skip

'Training' want as bad as I thought it would be. I mostly just learned the beginner steps for
self defense. One of Enzo's men taught me, but Enzo sat in and watched. He critiqued me every so often, but he was mostly quite the entire time, just watching me.

After training, Enzo told me we have to go to a dinner tonight, he informed me that there is a business deal he needs to close. Why I need to be there?-I have no clue, but Enzo told me it's a way for me to meet the other mafia wife's, maybe make a few friends. Enzo probably wouldn't let me see them anyway.

As of right now we are driving to dinner. I'm wearing a formal black dress and he's wearing the same suit he always wears.

"I need to tell you something," he says after a few minutes of silence "these men im meeting with are really unsafe

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"I need to tell you something," he says after a few minutes of silence "these men im meeting with are really unsafe...but they won't touch you with me around, so try to stay by my side, alright?"

He looks towards me for my response and I nod my head slightly.

Time skip

Oh my god- this is the best food I've ever tasted!

I'm sitting next to Ezra, eating the best escargot I've ever had. Ezra keeps droning on about some mole in the agency, or something like that. I haven't really been paying attention because this food is so goddamn good. I've made conversation with some of the other wife's, most of them seem nice, and I hope I'll get to see them again. I've tried to ask them about their situations but most of them won't share much.

After all the delicious drinks I've had, I really need to go to the bathroom. I know Enzo said not to leave his side, but he looks pretty busy right now, and I won't be gone long.

I get up and head to the bathroom, I didn't take long in there at all, and like I said, nothing even happened. Until I was walking back to the the table and felt some fucker grab my ass! He quickly walks away before I can confront them. I've been catcalled before, but nobody's ever acted on it.

I sit back down at the table, slightly shaken.

Enzo turns toward me, his chest rising an falling more quickly then usual.
"Where were you?" He questions.

"I-I just went to the bathroom-"

Im cut off by ezra. "I told you to-" his gaze softens slightly "what happened?"

How did he know?

I force a laugh. "Nothing."

"Don't lie to me, mio Tesoro"

Again with that odd nickname.

"Did somebody touch you?"


Before I can finish, he interrupts me again. "Who." His eyes hold a dark fire that I've never seen before, and honestly, it kinda creeps me out.

My eyes dart to my offender, and I relies then that I made a mistake.

Enzo caught that small movement-as I knew he would. "What hand did he use?"


"What does that have to do with anything?"

"What. Hand. Did. He. Use."
He's still staring at the man. If eyes could kill, that guy would be long gone.

"Uhm, his right, I think" I reply.

"Let's go." He says.
And he leaves without saying goodbye to anyone.

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