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It's been a few days since my wedding.

My wedding...

I try not to dwell on it to much. That won't fix anything.

I've been talking with Ryan lately, mostly to get more information-which he's not giving me-but also he's started to become more like a friend to me, he's pretty much the only person I can talk to.

I've also been going outside a lot, but there's nothing much to do when there's guards surrounding you on all sides.

To be honest, I'm starting to get a bit bored, I've been trying to focus on my studies though, I've asked the maids for all of the law textbooks they have. So once I get out of here I'll be set, and I can finish my time in law school.

If I get out of here...

I hear a slight knock on my door, interrupting my studying. I get up from the reading nook and head towards the door. I open it to find Enzo. He's wearing black pants and a white button down t-shirt. Enzo made it a 'requirement' that I eat breakfast with him every morning. I don't know why though, I thought he would want nothing to do with me, much less see me every morning. We don't really talk much at breakfast, it's usually just an awkward silence. But other than that I don't see him much at all.

"You will attend an event with me this afternoon"


"I trust you can get ready on your own?"

Oh, he thinks that just because I came from some money I can't do anything on my own?
I'll fucking show him.

I scoff "yeah, I can get ready on my own. I just need to know what the event is, so I can dress accordingly." I have a ton of new clothes in my closet, so I'm sure I'll find something, no matter what the 'event' is.

"It's a gala"

wow, so specific.

"What kind of gala?" I question.

"It's for some charity. I have some...business to attend to there."

I have a feeling I know what kind of 'business' he's talking about.

Time skip

I decide to show Enzo just how well I can dress myself.

I put on a silk red dress that totally accentuates my boobs. I hope this dress finally gets Enzo to show at least a bit of emotion. I'm not trying to seduce him or anything, I just want him to get a little flustered. I want to show him that I have surprise too.

Enzo suddenly knocks on my door, I open it quickly, excited for his reaction to my outfit

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Enzo suddenly knocks on my door, I open it quickly, excited for his reaction to my outfit. I open the door and see Enzo in a suit, staring right at me. I think I heard his breath hitch, but that could just be my mind playing tricks on me. His eyes travel down my body, until he's staring straight at my chest.

I decide to tease him a bit. "My eyes are up here."

His eyes snap back up to mine. He takes in a shaky breath. "Are you ready to go?"

"Show me the way" I smirk a bit.

Time skip

We arrive at the gala and Enzo says he has to speak to a few people. He tells me not to leave the building, and that there are guards stationed outside if I try to escape. The building is beautiful, there are magnificent paintings on almost every surface, and the architecture is unique in an alluring way. I can tell the owner has a big soft spot for art. Speaking of, I don't know who the owner is, or even what charity this is for.

I choose to stop wandering around mindlessly, and mingle a bit. Enzo never said anything about that.

I walk up to a man that seems like he's in his late 20's and I start making conversation. I discover his name is rio, and he's here to raise awareness for his business. I also find out this gala is to raise money for the world wildlife fund, to help rescuer endangered animals.

Suddenly I feel pressure on my waist, it causes my breath the hitch a bit. I hope nobody noticed. I turn my head to find Enzo standing at my side. He's shooting daggers at rio with his eyes.

Rio reaches his hand out to shake Ezra's. He reluctantly shakes it with his free hand.

"D-do you two know each other?" I ask.

Rio chuckles, but it seems a bit forced. "Yeah, we're uh...old friends"

All I say is "oh"

"I think it's time we go." Ezra grits out.

I force a smile. "Bye." I say as Ezra pulls me away.

Once we're out of ear shot, Ezra says, "don't talk to him again."

"Why not!?" He seemed nice. why won't Ezra let me do anything?

Ezra sighs "you have to realize that nobody here is as they seem. That guy is a really bad person, he could have-" he inhales sharply "he could have hurt you or..." he trails off "whatever, it's time for us to leave anyway."

I'm left slightly stunned, but I don't have time to dwell on it, because Ezra is pulling me again towards the exit.

Once we get into his car he turns to me, "you can't just talk to random people like that! Some people can be really dangerous."

Yeah? Like you?

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