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I'm awakened by the sound of an alarm. My eyes flutter open and I see some red lights flashing.

What is going on?

I get up from my bed, and I'm still a little drowsy so I stumble a bit. I open the door to my room, and i look down both hallways, nobody in sight. I detention that I should leave my room in search of people who can tell me what the hell is happening.

I get to the edge and turn a corner, I see a guard running with his back turned towards me. I try to follow him, but I'm to slow and I loose him through the twists and turns of this building.

Suddenly somebody's hand is over my mouth! Their hand wraps around my stomach, pulling me into them. I wiggle and try to escape but it's no use. I try to scream for help but their hand covers my mouth.

"Quite!" The man whisper-shouts.

I'm trying to ask him what's happening, and why he's doing this, but I'm unable to get the words out, it just sounds like "mhmmphmpp"

Suddenly he takes his hand of my mouth and pulls something out of his pocket. *cock*
My breath hitches, I can't tell exactly what that cold peace of metal pressing against my neck is.

A gun.

Without warning the man starts pulling the in the direction the guard was running.

"Stay quite" he whispers in my ear.

I oblige because he has a fucking gun to my head.

I never even got to see this man's face.

Abruptly, we smash through a double door. Into a room full of guards, there guns all immediately pointed at me.

My eyes search the room, there are guards everywhere, their guns aimed right at me. I'm guessing they aren't for me, but for my attacker. But my aslant is using my as some sort of shield, so if they tried to shoot him, they would be shooting me instead.

Suddenly Enzo steps out from behind a few guards, his head immediately turns toward me. His face contorts with worry and panic, emotions I thought I'd never see on Enzo's face, he's in the mafia, doesn't he deal with this all the time? Shouldn't he be like...numb to it by now?

All of a sudden Enzo roared "DON'T TOUCH HER!"

He's protecting me?

I've never seen him have this type of reaction to anything, it seems pretty out of character for him.

Am I going to die?

The feeling petrifies me, and I begin to cry.

Enzo's eyes turn to mine again and his face is leaked with...guilt?

All of a sudden, I remember
Her my self defense classes. I've only been going for a few days, but I think I've learned some handy stuff. I just need to find the right moment...

My attacker lessens his hold on me for just a second, but I use it to my advantage. I quickly turn out of his brace and get as far away from him as I can.

A gun shot rings out, and as I look towards the strange man, he lying on the floor in a puddle of blood.

It's too much-I can't- what is-

My vision fades to black.

Time skip

I wake up to bright artificial light shining down on me.
I turn my had to the side to see Enzo. Once his eyes met mine they light up. I've never seen Enzo with this much... relief in his eyes.

"Your awake, mio Tesoro."

Im about to to question the unknown name he give me, but before I can't my head starts pounding.

I groan, reaching my hands towards my head.

I think I hear Enzo call for a doctor, but I can't be sure.

So ones here now, they are hooking me up to some cables.

in a few seconds the intense headache fades away, leaving me ready to get some answers.
"What happend?

"Somebody broke in" he answers. "They were from an opposing mafia group. I thought something like this might happen, I'm glad you used your skills from training to avert them."

"Why did they break in?" I wonder.

"They found out you were my wife, and they were going to kill you to get a reaction out of me... some people in the industry will do sick things for fun." I take in a shaky breath. "Don't worry, I won't let them hurt you again, I've even more guards to protect you, so as long as your here you'll be safe. Trust me."

"Why are you putting in all this work just to protect me?"

"...your very important to me...if I lose you, my cover is just that much closer to getting blown. It's crucial to keep you alive."

Right... I'm just here so his cover stays intact. I need to remember that.

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