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A few days ago, after I had requested for tons more books, Ryan had showed me to the library. It was the biggest collection of books I'd ever seen. They had all the genres too. It was like a book worms dream. Since then, I've been spending most of my time here. Im learning a lot from the training classes, although I doubt I could actually beat anyone in a fight yet.

There's this book I've been wanting to read for ages, and I've been searching the library for it for a while, and I Finnally found it. But it's on the very top shelf, and I'm only 5,4 I can't reach it. I look around for a ladder or step-stool and see none in sight, so I just try to reach as high as I can.
I'm almost-

My breath hitches when I feel a warm sensation press against my back.

"This one?"

I turn my head to find Ezra, book in hand. Our faces are in very close proximity, he has his free hand braced against the shelf behind me.

"Mhm" I nod.

He hand be the book and walks off without another word.

Well that was odd...

Time skip

I'm running.

I'm running.

He has a knife...or a machete...or a sword, or something. I can't see through the tears coating my vision.

All I know is he's chasing me. And that my lugs are burning and my feet are aching.

I trip, on what? I'm not sure. Probably my own feet. I scramble away, towards the end of the hall.

Except... I can't see the end of the hall.

He's getting closer, how is he getting closer so damn fast?

What's going on?

He's right above me now, and as I look at his face I see...nothing?

His face is blurred out, everything is covered with some sort of weird film, except for his sinister smile, the one that tells me he's about to do something horribly ominous.

He's about to impale me with whatever Sharp object he's carrying when...


I look around, all I see is black. I feels tears coating my face, my breath pumping in and out of my body.

It's ok. I'm ok. It's just a dream.

I-I can't be alone right now.

I get out of the bed, my breathing still shaky and labored.

I unlock the door, and I see Ryan's eyes staring right at me. "Hey, are you alright? What happened?"

"Can you take me to Enzo's room?" I don't know why I said it. I don't know why I'm not taking my words back, and I don't know if I meant it.

"Errr, im not sure that's such a good idea." Enzo suggests.

I look at him with pleading eyes. I know I can't go back in my room alone, I need to be with someone I trust, and I guess that someone is Enzo.

Stupid heart! Weren't we taught not to trust dangerous people?

I could ask Ryan to come inside my room and stay with me, but I don't. I think deep down, maybe I do want to be with Enzo. I just don't know why.

Ryan sighs and begins walking away, as I follow him I feel the ground vibrate-wait no, that's not the ground, that's me, I'm shaking.

I don't usually have nightmares, but when I do, they're really bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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