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(Before anything I would just like to say that I do not own any of these characters. This is just a fanfic that I wanted to write and to share my imagination with other people. I do not own any of these characters.)

2 days after Kim left Chay crying outside

Chay pov:
How could he do this to me, I loved him and I thought he felt the same way. But instead he just walked away. He didn't even fight for us, well there never really was an us. He made me feel as though I wasn't enough. I would do anything for him and for what...he never really felt anything for me. It was just a lie, my whole life had been a lie.
I was in his family's house, not mine but his. I just had to live there. I didn't even have a choice in what I wanted. Just then I hear a knock on my door and it's my bother. "Chay, how are you?" Hia says as he walks to me and sitting on my bed. "I am good hia, and you?"I said trying not to sound as though I was just thinking about his lover's bother. " I am good Chay, I just came to tell you to get dressed, we are having a party. Kinn wants everyone to go, so that includes you to."Hia says as he is giving me this look as though you have no choice. I just give a little nod and I smile. He quickly gets up and starts to leave before saying " Oh one more thing there will be people your age so..". He always did this.
After about twenty to thirty minutes I got dressed, it wasn't something so fancy just something chill but nice. I had on a plan black shirt on with my favorite pair of white jeans, and I just had some plan black converse on. I just fixed up my hair a bit not so much that I looked hot, but that I felt I can get any one I wanted. I needed that, I wanted that. I had to get over him.
When I open my door I heard a bunch of people. I hated talking to people I didn't know. I just didn't like it.  I was walking downstairs and everyone head turn.Maybe it was because my shirt was a little tight and it showed off my body. My bother came to me and whispered to me "I said dress nice but damn". I just smiled.
"I have someone I want you to met and then you go and talk to whoever"hia said as me and started walking.
Where we were walking was towards P'kim.
I don't think my bother knows about me and him because if he did...well it wouldn't be good."Hey Kim this my brother Porchay" my bother said tapping my back to say hi." Hi, it's just Chay"
He looked at me for a bit.

I feel really happy with this. Please feel free to tell me if there is any mistake I should fix. But i will do my best to update.

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