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Kim's pov:

how dare they lay a finger on him, if only I had went with him. If only I didn't give in so easily to him, if only I hadn't gone to shower. At least Kim found and I am going to make them pay for what they did, maybe kill them, depends.
But if I kill them what will I get out of it chay will hate me even more if he finds out. He can't go to school because of them so maybe just maybe I could do something. But for now I am in charge of talking care of chay and I will just do that.

"Hey you okay, want anything to eat?" I say getting a bowl of water and a towel to wipe him down.

" Yes, I am okay, thank you, and no" he said moving away from me. I guess he didn't want me to see him like this, with bandages and all even though I have seen so much worse. I know he has to because of his bother getting into fights all the time.

" Are you sure I can help thats why am here"

"Yeah, thank you though"

I left the room to give privacy but it's not like I haven't seen him naked. Not completely, I didn't see what I knew he wouldn't want me to. When I first started tutoring him he didn't show up for his 4th lesson and I ended up going to his house and there he was sick and he had a super high fever, so I took care of him nothing more. I don't think he knows I took care of him 'cause he was really out of it. Come to thinks of it he said he liked me when he was out of I should've noticed.

Chay's pov:

I didn't want him to see me like this in need of help. I can do things on my own and I sure as hell don't want help from him. I know I should just forgive him because at this point it's water under the bridge but I can't, I can't just forget what he did. He lied to me for months about why he was really helping me and my dumbass let it happen. I don't know my own feelings anymore my heart tells me no but yes then my mind is saying no, I Just can't anymore. I do wonder what my bother, Kinn, and Kim will do to them but whatever they do I just know it's going to be bad.

"Hey you can come in, also do you by chance have my phone" I say opening the door so he can come in.

" oh yes, by the way how long have you been getting those " he says.

Fuck. How did he find out about them. I had been getting treated ever since my brother started working for the main family. The main family definitely had more enemies then anything I don't know how I play into the whole miss but apparently I am important, whatever that means. How did he find out about them I thought I had hidden them well. But maybe apparently I didn't.

" I am not going to tell your brother, but please tell" he says looking at me then me phone.

"It's nothing really, it's just my friends joking" I say and I take my phone out of his hand and I place it into my back pocket and I start to pack up my things.

"Chay, please, I know you and your friends well enough to know that this is not them"

"No. Drop it." And I leave. He follows right behind.

I didn't mean for it to come out in a bad way I was just tried and wanted to leave. He drove us to his house which I hated, but instead on going to his home cause it was safer. I highly doubt that. Never in my life did I want to be again. I hated it here all the things that happened here, what we were happened here.

"So do you want anything, like to eat?" He says letting me in.

"No, thank you" I said going in. I missed this house as much as I hate to say it but I did.

"But you have to eat, your on medication"

"So get me something I don't care"

This chapter was a lot longer then the last one and I think I will keep them longer so I can put more into it. Till next time.


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