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Kim's pov:

I need him to forgive me, I realized the fact that I hadn't taken him on a date yet. That's what I was going to do, take him on a date. I called and a reservation at 6:45 at royal dragon. I know it will be a little bit out of Chay's comfort zone, he's not used to all the fancy food like the steak or whatever. I think because of the way he grew up he thinks he doesn't deserve it all but he does and I am willingly going to make sure he knows he does deserve it.

"Love, be ready by 5, wear that suit I got you." I said not giving to much information. He looked at me confused.

" got me a suit, when, why, and why to I have to ready by 5." He said with confusion in his voice.

" don't ask questions just be ready"

I went to the bathroom, took a shower and did my hair. I figured chay would want to bigger bathroom to get ready. I have also known now not be bother him during that. Just then he came out with the black suit I got him. His hair was so curly, I forgot that he has natural curls. He normally hides it. He had on a pair of dressy black boots. God. If he hadn't said no kissing and we didn't have plans, fuck, the things I would do.

He kissed me when I was deep in thought. " I will allow you to kiss me, just this once." He says with a soft smile.

I use this opportunity wisely. I kiss him. It was soft at first but I couldn't control myself. I swear this little dirty mouth will be the death of me. I push my tongue in, tasting everything in his mouth. I can tell him wanted more but he pulled back, I think he is trying to stay true to what he;said no sex.

I open the door to car and let me get in first. I drove and took my time. I had my hand on his thigh rubbing it slowly. He was looking out the window at the sunset, at some point I even managed to take a picture of him look at the sunset.

He always said that looking at the sunset gave  him peace when he found out that his parents died, well like his dad. This is also why I
am taking him out, he was been home all day being about everything that has happened. Even if he acts all happy outside I know how he is feeling in the inside.

When we get to the restaurant his mouths opens in shock. The restaurant was in a two story building, walls as tall as you think, and there was a banner outside that said happy birthday. I did that because I won't be able to spend Chay's birthday with him, I know he is going to kill for it but if I could I would stay.

"You are not going to be here for my birthday, aren't you" Chay says not even bothering to look at me but instead got out the car and slammed the car door.

"Love, look." I try to say but he cuts me off."nope, not going to mess up this date." He walks away, the waiters bow and he does the same; they take him to the table and he sits down. He didn't even let me take out the chair for him.

"Love come on let me expl-"

"NO. That's the end of it kimhn. Leave it." He says giving me a dead look.
I leave it but I can't help but feel like I know something is going to blow up in my face later.

"What can I get started for you gu-CHAY" This dude said. I look at his name tag and it says " black" I remember now that Chay use to tell me that there was there friend who was named balck and Chay used to be white( as a nickname).

He put his hand on Chay's back. My eyes went blood shot red. That man would be dead by tomorrow morning, Chay gives a look as if he can read my mind. Behind that look that only I can read was that he was scared of me. He went to go talk to his friend, I let him be, I guess I owned him that since I can't be there for his birthday.

We eat but we don't talk not one word left his mouth. He drove us back home I had a little too much to drink, I had no doubt that I could dive but I felt it was safe, if you know what I mean.

"Porchay, talk to me. I know I fucked up, okay. I get that. But you also let that man touch you, let me take you to god koans where. Shit for all I know he could have fucked you" I say with anger as I slam the door to my penthouse.

"Grow up. You have the nerve to say that he fucked me. He has a girlfriend, just because you don't trust me  doesn't mean you have a right to say that. I did everything for you. I give up eating for you." He says choking on a sob." And you won't even be here for my birthday. I knew that you weren't going to be here your bother told me. It's because of a fucking women and you accuse me. Fuck off" He storms into our bedroom and starts to pack.

"Love I am sorry, come on don't leave."

"No. Fuck you. You don't trust me then you don't have to trust me anymore." He says looking at me dead in the eye not breaking eye contact once.

"You. Are. Not. Breaking. Up. With. Me." I say grabbing him.

"You're drunk. Got to bed. I am not dealing with you now." He says and goes to sleep on the couch, I let him because it was true I was drunk but I knew what I was doing.

Next morning:

"Fuck" was all I heard from the kitchen and I ran out. Chay was on the floor bleeding out of arm, the cut was deep, so deep that I could see his bone.

"Love, come I'll help you!" I said with panic in my voice but he moved away. I guess he was still mad about last night.

"No. Thank you, I got it" he went into the bathroom and got the sewing and stitched it himself. Never in a million years would I have thought that he could sew himself up.

"How did you do that."

"I fell" I felt the lie trickle down his last word. Dose he really not know that I can read him so easily, he is just playing with his hair, leg shaking, it's so obvious that he is lying. Just then I see a knife with blood all over it. No. He.. he wouldn't. I pick it up and I can tell it's his. It has to be.

He comes out shocked, he guards the knife like it's some type of miracle.


Sorry for the little hurt break, things will get better. Next update will be on Sunday. Hope you can last till then.


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