Part 1 : Where to start?

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Killer was coming up for the last kill in this sector of Hotland, well the last one not in the lab. It had been a pretty easy job today, everyone had something to do and so far the Stars haven't interrupted.

Nightmare is in the Ruins, Horror is taking care of new home, Dust is taking care of Waterfall, and Cross is taking care of Snowdin. After Horror, Dust, and Cross are done we should all be heading to the castle to meet up.

On any other occasion the Stars would be on them by now. They sent Error to make a decoy in another AU though. The longer that glitch can keep them distracted the better; though it's only a matter of time before Dream realizes it's a trick and heads over here. When that inevitably happens, the plan is to have Error continue to erase the AU he is already at. Either way we will cause negativity to spread.

Error will destroy his AU once he gets a chance. Dream will either send everyone over here or split his crew up. They need to defeat the Stars once they get here to claim this AU under Boss's rule.

'Somethings off' Killer thinks as he stabs his last monster in the jugular. "At least you were a fun chase, thanks for that buddy." Killer says to the monster as they choke on their own blood. That monster had led him on a chase from one side of Hotland to the other. Honestly without the Stars here to bug him, Killer has been getting bored. So the chase was a good change of pace.

Killer Sighs as he stands up and wipes the blood off his knife and onto his shorts. He rummages through his pockets to grab his phone. After taking a second to look at the meme color sent to him, he sends a text to the group chat.

*Killer* On my way to the Castle

Of course not expecting a text so soon during a mission he puts his phone away and starts his walk to the Castle. *I wonder how the others have fared so far, maybe I'll see Horror on the way.*

After about 30 minutes of walking, Killer's phone buzzed. He takes it out of his pocket and checks it once again, not expecting much.

*Dust* there here quick

As soon as Killer sees the message he turns tail and starts to run. Killer hasn't been able to Teleport for years, ever since his incident with his AU. His speed and agility make up for it though, especially in times like these.

After what felt like an eternity of running, Killer managed to make it to Waterfall. The smell of magic burns in his nose. He spots Dust fighting Blue. Blue sends bones his way but Dust is easily able to advert their path with some of his own. Dust can hold his own pretty well against most of the Stars. On his opposite side, Killer spots Ink. Ink is charging his own blaster attack, unaware Killer has arrived.

Without another moment's thought, Killer rushes at Ink's blaster. He manages to jump against and project himself off the blaster and onto Ink. Successfully knocking the blaster off its course. He hits Ink hard, taking them both to the ground. Killer gets up first, readying his knife. Ink gets up a moment later, but it's too late. While trying to get a hold on reality from his fall, Killer rushes him, managing to stab his knife into his shoulder.

As Ink cries out, Blue adverts his attention to Killer. Blue fires bones at Killer in an attempt to get him to back off of Ink. It works, he managed to hit him in his back in his moment of weakness.

Dust takes the chance to hit Blue with his own bones, with a higher LV, Dust's attack manages to take Blue practically out of the fight.

Ink, grabbing his brush, manages to hit Killer farther away from him and tries to rush to Blue's aid.

Killer can no longer stand. His leg is broken, and his ribs are cracked. He hears someone warp beside him. From the sound of his voice it's Horror.

"Alright Killer, were gonna get ya out of here in one sec. I'll keep ya protected for now." Horror explains to the wounded Killer.

"Don't let me hold you up too much. Boss would kill me if I was the soul reason we lost this match." Killer says in reply. Not that he wouldn't be punished anyway for making such a mistake. He let his guard down, showed weakness. He won't get away with it easily.

The sound of arrows shooting over head makes it known that Dream is now here. With both Ink and Blue injured, it won't be too much more of a fight. There is more negativity than positivity, Dream is weakened.

Killer looks up to see Cross, he manages to hit Dream's arrows off course and charges him. Dream, quickly realizes the danger he's in and jumps out of his way enough to be able to pull out his daggers, blocking Cross's own sword from coming down on him.

From behind, Nightmare teleports in. He, obviously noticed by Dream from his Aura, uses his tentacles to try and Peirce the Guardian. Dream manages to push against Cross with enough force to get his Sword off of him, while also jumping out of the way in time not to be skewered by Nightmare.

Seeing there is no winning this battle, Dream quickly teleports to his team, getting them out of harm's way and retreating.

Nightmare opens a portal back to the castle, stepping through immediately but leaving it open behind. Horror carefully picks up Killer, he carries him in with Cross and Dust following.

"Just take me to my room." Killer says to Horror, wanting to get a bit of time alone before facing Nightmare.

"Are you sure, we could patch you up-" Horror tried before getting interrupted.

"I'll be fine, just take me to my room." Killer repeats annoyed. Accepting that Killer doesn't want any help, Horror takes him upstairs to his room and lays him on his bed.

He takes one last look with his eye as he goes to close the door behind him, leaving Killer alone.

Now that he's alone his mind starts racing. He knows Nightmare will be furious. He messed up so badly, he showed weakness, he got distracted. Nightmare will never accomplish is goal when this is how his underlings work. Killer though knowing how much trouble is to come, can't feel the fear.

Nightmare had taken his emotions away.

In Killer's eyes, it's not worth trying to patch himself up just yet. There is still more to come.

Killer winces as he maneuvers himself to get under his covers, Liquid Hate pouring onto his pillow as he does his best to lay on his side. *Maybe I can try to get a bit of sleep before facing the Boss.*

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