Part 34: Breakfast conversations

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Killer holds the knife in his hand as he looks at his boss. He really wasn't expecting him to keep it. The fact that his boss did though, makes Killer's soul skip a beat. He ignores the sensation though starting to flip the knife in the air, catching it flawlessly each time. "Did you like my gift that much?" he teases, making sure to study Nightmare's body language as he does so.

"No." Nightmare responds, his shoulders slightly tensed. "If I had discarded it, you would have annoyed me about hurting your 'Poor Knife.'" Killer watches Nightmare carefully as he walks closer to Killer. His boss plucks the knife from the air, "But, I suppose you were bound to be tiresome anyhow-" he grumbles under his breath.

Killer crosses his arms, in front of him before trying to argue. "You still kept it though-" he grumbles back, not denying Nightmare's statement. Instead, he opts to change the subject slightly. "On another note~" Killer added, "did you find the 'point' of my little game?"

Killer smirks when he manages to catch the slightest bit of panic behind his boss's eye light. It tells him that Nightmare hasn't found it yet; but, he has thought about it. *It wont take him much longer.* Killer thinks as he relaxes his posture, *He's already made it half way after all-* Killer sidesteps Nightmare and heads towards the open door, "Nevermind. You're getting flustered. Let's go get that shit done for your Glitch." Killer quickly says, changing the subject again.

Killer can't help but laugh when he hears his boss sigh behind him in defeat. He listens as Nightmare throws the knife on the bed and turns to follow him. "You are a menace." He states, sounding tired and aggravated.

Killer turns around to look at him. "Yeah, you keep saying that. You're un caffeinated though sooo- imma not take anything you say seriously." Killer gives him a toothy grin before stepping backwards down the hall.

He watches Nightmare roll his eye-light before turning back around and quickly making his way down the hall and towards the stairs. Once he gets there, he sees Nightmare looking up at him from the bottom, unimpressed. "Hurry up-" He grumbles before heading towards the Kitchen.

Killer narrows his eye sockets and scoffs, "How about you actually use the stairs instead of teleporting-" He complains before sitting on the hand rail and sliding down. He picks up speed before getting launched off at the bottom, landing on his feet as per usual. Quickly, he runs after Nightmare and slips through the kitchen door before it can close behind him.

Horror is cooking breakfast, as expected. "Morning Boss, morning Killer. You 2 hungry?" He asks before flipping a pancake in the air and catching it in the pan.

Nightmare doesn't answer; instead he grumbles to himself, heading straight for the coffee machine. Killer chuckles a bit at the display before moving to sit down at the table. *When you know he isn't going to murder you, Nightmare's actions can seem pretty cute- * Killer thinks to himself before shaking his head to dispell the thoughts.

Not wanting to reason with his own mind at the moment, Killer answers Horror, "Uh yeah. Give me something small."

Horror nods and grabs a plate down from the cabinet before putting one pancake on it. Killer watches as Horror smothers it in syrup for him, knowing he likes it sweet.
He walks it over to Killer quickly and sets it down in front of him with utensils before hurrying back over to the stove.

"Do you have knowledge on Dust's whereabouts?" Nightmare questions, his voice sounding even more annoyed. Seemingly at the fact he has to wait for the pot to brew.

Horror hums for a moment, "No. He's still asleep I think." He responds before flipping another pancake.

Nightmare crosses his arms. "Dust has more resemblances with a sloth than an actual skeleton-" he complains. Horror snickers at this causing Nightmare to glare at him. "Now I've got to leave portant information with... You-" he continues, his voice sounding a bit repulsed at the idea.

Killer looks at Horror's shoulders sag a bit. He doesn't feel sorry for him though, he knows Horror is used to Nightmare. Though, to try and lighten up the mood, Killer tries to cut in. "Yeah! Me and Mr. Insults are gonna go to the anti-void in a bit!" He says, shooting his boss a glance to make sure he doesn't miss his reaction.

As expected, Nightmare turns his glare on Killer immediately. A knowing smirk crosses his face for a split second before responding smoothly, "You're not entitled to follow along. You would be much more helpful here- To, of course, make sure the castle is clean for my return. For I know you're no help when it comes to fire duty- At least you imbeciles had the decency to regain appliances."

Killer shoots his boss a teasing look before mouthing silently- °You know you'd miss me~°  Nightmare looks back at him blankly before turning back to make his cup of coffee. Killer feels a touch of satisfaction with the reaction. *He's not so witty when it comes to me anymore huh?* He thinks to himself with slight amusement.

He knows Nightmare felt his emotions when he starts speaking again with his fresh cup of coffee in hand. "Since Killer has staved off his response, I suppose he can follow along like the list dog he is-" Nightmare is obviously starting to get fed up with this whole conversation.

"Horror," Nightmare addresses forcing authority into his tone, "You are to stay away from the stove until I return. Same for Dust." Horror immediately turns his head to look at his boss. Despair written across his face. Before he can start begging, Nightmare continues, "You cannot convince me to allow you to, so don't even try. You've set the kitchen ablaze 26 times to many!"

Horror turns back to his cooking food sadly. Now this one, Killer kinda feels bad about- cooking is Horror's life! But that is quickly replaced by a chuckle as he thinks about how annoyed Dust is going to get When Horror won't leave him alone out of boredom.

Nightmare continues after a few moments, spared so he can drink half of his coffee in one go. "One more thing." He says, a slight purr to his voice, "Make Cross a dish... But put it just out of reach."

Horror nods shallowly, still upset and coming to terms with the loss of his stove privileges.  Killer on the other hand, smiles wide. Excited in the face of causing Cross more pain, he happily pipes up, "Yes! Decorate it with berries and whipped cream too!" He exclaims before digging into his like warm pancake himself.

He had almost forgotten about it with all the conversations going on. But thinking about Cross's own meal jogged his memory. He looks out of the corner of his socket to take a peek at Nightmare as he nods in reply and downs the other half of his cup. "We must be on our way.... And Horror. NO MORE COOKING! You've got enough pancakes there for yourself, Dust, and Cross. If you get hungry- a few hours after leaving Cross's down in the dungeon, you can go eat it in front of him~" he says, putting his cup in the sink for Horror to wash when he cleans up. He then turns to look at Killer, "Hurry up- you should have already been done-" He grumbles before opening portal and stepping through.

Killer quickly stuffs the last bite in his mouth, getting syrup all over his face, before booking it through the portal before it closed.  He lands with a grunt on the bright void's.... Floor? Nightmare just shakes his skull in disappointment. 

"God you're face is a mess. Need to clean you up before Error starts complaining-"

Sorry, got a bit of writers block- but I had a good snow break! I liked watching it fall. Hope everyone's doing well!

Please point out mistakes and don't be scared to give helpful criticism.

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