Part 11: An endless search

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Killer makes quick work going through the hallways, ultimately ending up right where he needs to be. As he comes to a halt in the Info Hall he hears the Librarian gasping for air. Killer let's go of the grip he had on his arm, managing to have pulled him at top speed all the way to their destination. He watches the monster for a moment, bent over and gasping; every once in a while he coughs. 'Guess I gotta go a bit slower.' Killer thinks to himself; he really doesn't want this guy to be the thing slowing him down.

"Sit down on that chair, catch your breath." Killer orders the Librarian as he turns around, "Im going to go though these isles really quickly. Then we can go have some fun."

Killer doesn't look back to see if the guy had listened, he can hunt him back down easily if he tries to run. "CROSS!" Killer yells as he sprints through the isles. The shelves that make up the boxes are covered in organized boxes. As he continues to run he thinks, "Why the fuck am I wasting my time here, there's no books-" Killer skids to a stop and sighs, "ALRIGHT NEW PAL, IVE MADE A MISTAKE AND NOW WE'RE HEADING TO THE CONTAINMENT ROOM SO OUR STOP HERE DOESNT AMOUNT TO NOTHING!"

Killer walks back to where he left the Librarian. He motions for him to stand up from the chair and continues to walk past him. "If you are not behind me by the time I reach containment, I will take you hostage and tie you up in our dungeon. The Boss would love to taste your fear." Killer states. He smiles when he hears panicked footsteps catching up with him.

When they reach the containment room, Killer turns around and signals for the monster following him to be quiet. Killer then, walks off to the side towards the wall.
He feels the Librarian's eyes on him as he presses one of the wall panels in and makes a hole open up. He turns his head a bit when he hears quiet footsteps coming closer to seemingly get a better look.

The hole is a compartment filled with the main power connections to the lab. "Heh, design flaw. Would be better inside the room." Killer whispers to his companion as he slowly brings out his knife. Carefully, Killer takes his knife and cuts the power to the containment room. "Now, you ever go hunting?" He asks, turning to regard the monster staring over his shoulder. The Librarian shakes his head "no." Killer smiles in response, "Okay then, Ignore their screams and don't think twice. It won't scar yah as bad."

"W-Wait, what?!" The Librarian asks startled. Eyes widening in fear of what's about to occur.

"Now of course I can't lend you a knife, it would be too stupid of me. You can, however, help me run them down and trap them. Block the door for me when we get in there, then sit back and watch the show." Killer explains before skipping towards the door.

When he gets to the door he waits as the Librarian reluctantly follows. Turning around to face him, Killer let's a scowl grow on his face, "If you even think about messing this up, just imagine what I will do to you. And don't you even think about letting them out the door, I will just hunt them down anyway. You would just give them a false sense of hope."

Killer waits a moment, glaring at the monster. Once he senses that he has fully let his words sink in, he smiles and turns back around to the door.
Killer pulls out his knife and carefully slides the blade in-between the mechanical door's two sides. Making sure not to put too much pressure, he uses his knife as a lever; pushing the doors open enough to get his fingertips in the crack.

The door squeaks as he opens it, just enough for 1 monster to squeeze through at a time. As Killer peers through the opening, he sees a line of monsters all cowarding against the far wall. He smiles when he realizes that this world's alphys isn't there. So far there hasn't been any indication this world has switched her out so he has a hunch on what's being planned.

Killer reaches behind himself and grabs the Librarian by the arm. "Block the escape." He says quickly before running in. With a sly hand he pulls his knife up and puts momentum to the left as he enters the room. Successfully stabbing Alphys and stopping her attack.

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