Part 36: Toasty

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Nightmare glares at Error as he simply smirks back up at him. He's not going to admit that his act is actually a bit soul warming. Nightmare is about to insult Error, in a "friendly" way when he gets interrupted by Killer in the distance.

"HEY BOSS! WE NEED TO GO HOME.... RIGHT NOW!" He calls out loudly, making Error frown in annoyance and Nightmare turn around quickly.

"What type of disheveled nonsense has occurred now-" Nightmare questions, obviously agitated. He knew he'd have to leave soon, just not that soon. He likes being in Error's company. Nightmare's eye-lights follows Killer as he runs up to them both.

"Well- uh- Dust texted me...." Killer starts, actually looking concerned. The panic flowing from him is unsettling for Nightmare. "You remember that Giftmas gift we got Horror last year?"

Nightmare's expression drops immediately. *Why would I ever allow them to get him such a thing- I'm never letting them celebrate another pathetic holiday again.* He thinks, his mind running a mile a minute.
"It was nice visiting Error, We've got to take our exit." He says quickly before opening a portal back home.

He doesn't want to see the result, he knows it's going to take so much work to fix. Shaking his skull, Nightmare uses a tentacle to practically throw Killer through the portal. "Once you've finished with that masterpiece" He grumbles as he steps a foot through the portal, "I suggest sending it over so it can be put where it belongs. The trash compactor-" Before Error can think of a response, Nightmare quickly makes it through the portal, closing it behind himself.

The stench is unbearable- thankfully the inside of the house looks normal though. Nightmare takes a deep breath before walking outside the front door, not wanting to rush the inevitable view of destruction awaiting him. He sighs, listening to his idiotic underlings run around in a panic. If he's going to have to deal with this- he might aswell enjoy the negativity that's being created.

The air is black, enough ash is present to give the creator of charcoal paint a run for their money. Thankfully, the squelch of the mud under his slippers tells him one of the two peanut brained skeletons left here still has some neurons firing- *It has to be Dust.* Nightmare decides almost immediately. *Horror is probably crying about the animals being smothered right now to think logically-*

Nightmare Walks around the side of the castle where the smoke is coming from. And as expected, the entire tree line is up in flames. Dust is running around crazily trying to cover the sides of the castle, and the surrounding grass, in water with a water hose. To keep the fire from reaching of course.

Looking a little farther away, Nightmare can see Killer trying to console Horror. Who is on the ground sobbing. Nightmare focuses on Horror's emotions, but he can't figure out what exactly is the issue. *Fear, regret, pitty, pain, and hunger- sounds about right.* He thinks as he observes his aura carfully. Either way, he decides Horror deserves to wallow in his pain for a while. He did just manage to burn down part of an ecosystem.

Nightmare teleports over to Killer and Horror. He stares down at Horror for a moment before kicking him with his wet slipper. "Horror. I said no cooking." Nightmare says sternly, more annoyed than angry at the moment.

"I know- I thought I could utilize a flaw in your rule though.... I'm sorry." Horror says, voice breaking from his tears. The guy doesn't usually cry. Honestly when he does Nightmare finds it hilarious. A big brute of a monster curled in on himself- comedic if you ask him.

"I mean, you did utilize it. You just suck at grilling-" Nightmare responds before using his tentacles to lift Horror up and put him back on his feet. "Go start filling up buckets and help Dust save my building. I'll think of a proper punishment later. I don't know, break your spine or something-"

Horror tenses up at the thought of getting beaten before nodding and teleporting off to go help Dust. Nightmare grumbles to himself before turning his attention down to Killer, still kneeling in the mud.

Killer smiles up at him awkwardly before joking, "I'm sure something in their is cooked to perfection huh-" He points over his shoulder at the smoldering and burning trees.

Nightmare glares down at him before turning to walk back towards the front door. "Yes. One out of the 1000+ chared creatures- make yourself useful and go down there and start collecting the dead animals. Horror can eat them for the next week- You're a bit of a pyromaniac, right?" The last question is less of a question and more of a statement, giving Nightmare another reason to send Killer close to the fire.

He listens to Killer complain quietly behind him as he walks away. Nightmare knows Killer's done nothing wrong, but you can't blame him for being a bit unfair when his home was close to being engulfed by flames again. Nightmare sighs as he opens the door to go back inside of his house. *Maybe I should start a list of forest fires too- to add onto the house fires.*

Nightmare looks up the stairs before deciding that it would be too much effort to climb them. He teleports straight up to his study and into his desk chair. He rubs his eye socket with one hand while he uses the other to pull a huge leather book out of his bottom drawer.

He drops it on his table with a thump. *Time for another one-* he thinks as he opens the book to a memorized section. He has to open to this section so often, he's able to open directly to it without looking at the page number. Humming to himself, Nightmare then turns to the last chapter of the section, labeled in beautiful cursive, "Items Horror Is Banned from possessing"
The section is 7 pages long; Nightmare is running out of room. He might end up making it its own book eventually.

Taking out a feather from his drawer, he reaches over on his desk to grab the bottle of ink. He opens it carefully and sets it besides the book. He started this "Rule Book" with a quill pen and ink, he will finish it with the same medium.

'Number 78- Grills. Doesn't matter if it's gass powered or not. NO. GRILLS.'

"Dysfunctional. The only word to describe my team-" Nightmare mutters under his breath as he cleans the quill and lets the page dry. He closes his ink bottle carefully and securely.

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