Part 20: Stress once again

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"So you're telling me, that you plan to watch me flounder over issues I am 'apparently' clueless about, for entertainment?" Nightmare asks, grin stretching across his face threateningly as he turns slowly to look at Error.

"PreCiSeLy." Error states simply, taking a quick glance at his friend.

"Yeah, I'd do the same." Nightmare states simply with a shrug. Error chuckles at his antics before getting up off his hammock.

"I- I'm gEttINg BoREd; waNnA CaUSe some H-HaVoC?" Error asks as he neatly puts his Crochet supplies away.

Nightmare feels a shiver go down his spine. Stars how he wants to, he hasn't had a day of just simply causing chaos with Error in forever. Nightmare smiles before carefully moving to get up out of the hammock. "Anywhere in particular?" He asks, curious on where they're heading.

"HmmMmMM, s-SoME whEre NEw; W-Here InK anD tHe OtHerS wo-N't bOthER us." Error decides, before turning to look at Nightmare, "New An-AnoMaLiEs for mE to ErAse anD fOR yoU to TorTurE."

"I would help you find one, but I can only teleport to places with negativity. I don't know which is new based off the first taste." Nightmare explains before starting to struggle once again with the hammock.

Error watches with glee as Nightmare rocks back and forth; unable to balance his weight even with his tentacles acting as extra help. *Kinda like a Cat's tail-" he silently observes, waiting for Nightmare to figure his life out.

Eventually managing to get one of his feet firmly on the floor, Nightmare lets out a sigh of short lived, relief. "You need real furniture." He can't help but complain while trying to figure out how to get his other foot down without falling.

"T-oo muCh CluTTeR." Error states before summoning a few strings to help keep the hammock stable.

Nightmare wastes no time, making sure both his feet are touching the ground before swinging his head around to glare at his friend. "Could you have done that any later?" He asks aggravated.

"W-whAt? Y-You dIDdn'T waNT my HeLP?" Error questions sarcastically, putting a hand to his chest to fake emotional distress.

Nightmare rolls his eyelight before walking over to join Error. "Have you decided on a place yet?" He asks, still audibly annoyed.

Error nods his head before summoning a portal to his left for them to walk through.
"S- So new, iT doSen'T havE a NamE yEt."

"Good, we've got about 30 minutes of fun before we have to worry about anyone ruining it." Nightmare calculates before walking through the portal, "How do you want to handle this? Go our separate ways, or work together?"

"W-wELL I c-Can FinD thE heArT of The CoDE easiLy, anD frOm thEre It takEs bUt a MomEnt to eRase It aLL." Error explains, thinking about their options out loud as he also steps though the portal, "W-We cAn tOrTurE thEm toGeTheR foR aboUt 20 miNuTEs, th-thEn I neEd to EliMinate the AnoMaLiEs."

"Alright then." Nightmare states as he looks around the new area, observing the slightly green tinge to the fog in Snowdin, "Where to start?"

Killer lunges out of the way right as Horror's axe comes down, busting and shattering the tiled floor next to him. "TRY AGAIN ONE-EYE!" He yells out, infuriating Horror further.

Killer, quick on his feet, doges Horror as he makes a grab for him. They've been fighting for around an hour now; Killer with his high stamina levels is doing fine, but it is clear that Horror is running off of pure anger.

Tightening the hold he has on the knife, Killer quickly rushes at Horror. Overwhelmed and surprised, Horror stumbles backwards barely catching himself. If he hadn't dropped his axe and thrown his arms out behind him, he would have shattered his skull the rest of the way on the counter top.

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