Part 33: New try

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Nightmare awakes with a jolt. He slowly opens his eye socket, only to see nothing but his blanket. Wanting to take his time to wake up, Nightmare doesn't move just yet. At least he tried not to-

A sharp pain shoots through his leg causing him to shoot his head up to find the source. "Finally awake sleeping beauty?" Killer teases causing Nightmare to glare down at him. "Took me 6 kicks to get you up. Now let me go."

*Let go?* Nightmare thinks to himself before looking down to observe what Killer was on about. Immediately his glare falls, and a look of embarrassment replaces it. He had managed to completely trap Killer with his tentacles. Not only that, but he is still curled up against the other skeleton.

Immediately, Nightmare orders his tentacles to release Killer before rolling over, onto his back. He starts to blush as Killer begins to tease him.

"How'd that even happen?" Killer asks as he stretches his limbs and pops his joints, "Your bed is huge Boss- What am I? A magnet?!"
Killer throws the covers off of himself and purposefully lands them over Nightmare's face.

"Be silent. I liked it more when you were unconscious." Nightmare responds, not bothering to uncover his skull. He is still tired and not at all ready to deal with Killer's antics. He can't help but feel agitated at Killer's energy so early in the morning. Something about it just makes him uneasy.

"Yeah, that was obvious." Killer teases before moving to uncover Nightmare himself. "I think you just need a cup of coffee... Or 5"

Nightmare is reminded of his lamp almost immediately; he can't help but squint his eyes. "Leave." Nightmare orders before rolling over to locate the lamp. He lets out an annoyed sigh when he realizes he's in the middle of the bed and will have to crawl closer to turn it off.

"Mmmmmm-" Killer hums as he pretends to think, "Nope. I don't think so." Killer practically jumps back on the bed, making Nightmare gasp in surprise. He then, quickly, crawls over Nightmare and shuts the lamp off, "No need to thank me!" He shouts humorously before flopping back down on the bed.

Nightmare feels his aggravation turning into anger. He tries his best to keep it down, knowing Killer is right; he really does need his caffeine. "I wasn't planning to-" he grumbles before pushing Killer off the bed.

He lands with a thump and a groan. "I get it- not a damsel in distress." He comments before moving to stand up. "You're lucky it's too dark for me to see, otherwise I would return the favor."

Nightmare rolls his eye light, "Then do it. I know you can see me because of my ey-" Nightmare is interrupted by Killer suddenly pulling him out of bed and down on top of him, landing Nightmare in his lap.  "You-"

"Now we're even!" Killer cuts in before Nightmare could start berating him. "Now, after your coffee, what are we doing?"

Stunned at the fall, Nightmare growls, more annoyed than ever. He knows he promised not to harm Killer like he used to, but he's starting to feel like Killer is taking advantage of that. He sighs, not feeling awake enough to care about the position he's in, "I was hoping to go do Error a favor-" Nightmare explains.

He can't help but be pleased at the fact Killer can't see in the dark. This way, he is able to enjoy being seated, half-hazardly, in his lap without it being interrupted. He tries to focus on it to help calm himself.

Killer nods, "Sounds like a plan; what am I gonna help with?"

"Who said you were coming?" Nightmare asks rhetorically. He can't help but feel more aggravated at Killer for assuming he can tag along. "In what world would I want you to join me?"

Nightmare watches as Killer's smile falls slightly at his words. "I don't know-" he mumbles quietly before looking away.

Watching his expression change so suddenly makes Nightmare silently berate himself. He can feel the sudden change in emotion coming from Killer. "Why do you want to come with me so bad?" He finally asks, a tired twinge in his voice.

Killer continues to look away while he answers him. "I've just enjoyed the last 16 hours..." he says, "I was hoping for a few more-" Killer stays quiet a few moments before looking back at Nightmare, "It's fine! I get it; I can go annoy Horror and Dust again-" He forces his voice to resemble its normal octive, but his emotions do not change.

Nightmare can't help but feel bad. It's a weird feeling, to feel sorry for making somebody hurt, at least for him. He sighs before moving to stand up, using the bed as an anchor. "I don't need another fight in my Kitchen-" He complains before looking down at Killer, "I'll send Horror and Dust on a mission."

Killer looks up at Nightmare in confusion, "What am I gonna do?" He asks, his soul glowing brightly in the dark.

"I'll need help setting stuff up." Nightmare responds, using a tentacle to wrap around Killer's midsection and stand him up. "If you keep yourself respectable, you can join me within the anti-void."

Killer lands on his feet perfectly, "Guess you've enjoyed these last few hours too, huh?" he teases; his passion reignited.

Nightmare dosent answer, and instead leads the way towards the door. He covers his eye socket before opening it, that way he isn't immediately blinded. He turns around to face back into his now illuminated room. He takes his hand off his socket and allows his sight to adjust slowly.

It doesn't take long before he can see Killer on the other side of his room holding something in his hand. *Don't tell me he's looking through my property-* Nightmare thinks to himself before starting to walk closer.

Killer turns to face Nightmare before he can get too close. He waves a knife at him, a broke one. "You still got it!" He says, sounding slightly amused, "Didn't think you would actually keep it-"

If anybody has criticism to help me write better, I would greatly appreciate it. ❤️

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