Truth or Dare - Yamanaka Ino Style!

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The next day

Tenten's POV

"SLEEPYHEADDD!!!" I shouted into Neji's ear. "WAKE UP IDIOT!" I yelled. I had already woken up and so had Lee. Neji was still asleep. "Tenten-san, maybe we should go for breakfast first... " Lee said to me. I refused to give up. I took a pillow and wacked his face, hard. He woke up, startled. "What the hell, Tenten??" He gave me a glare. I glared back at him. "You were supposed to wake up for breakfast, so it wasn't my fault!" I crossed my arms and pouted. Neji sighed. "Fine, I'll go get ready. " he walked to the toilet and changed to his uniform. Have he came out, the three of us went to the cafeteria.


Ino's POV

"Heyy!!!" I said. Tenten sighed, tired. "Morning, Ino." She said. "You okay, Ten?" I asked her. She nodded tiredly. "Yup..." I glanced around. Everyone looked tired out. And by everyone, I meant all my friends. I hmphed. "You guys are not usually like this, what's up with y'all?" I asked everyone. They all were silent. "You know what, I got an idea!! All of you, come to me and Forehead's room at 7.00pm, let's have some fun!" I grinned evilly. I had just gotten a great idea.

Tenten's POV

Lee, Neji and I headed over to Ino's room, number 317. I knocked on the door. Ino opened it. "Hey!!!" She grinned. "Come in!" she let us in. Everyone else was already there ( Sakura, Temari, Hinata, Fuu, Sasuke, Naruto, Shikamaru, Sai, Kiba, Gaara, Kankuro) We all sat down in a circle. "What are we doing?" I asked. "We're gonna be playing Truth or Dare!!" Ino said excitedly. "I'm up for it!" I said."Here are the rules, whoever doesn't want to tell the truth or do the dare has to strip off a piece of clothing. For example, your shoes. " "Why?" I asked. "It's the Ino Yamanaka rule, " Sakura sighed. " Let's start!! Forehead, Truth or Dare?" Ino said
"My name's Sakura, you know," Sakura rolled her eyes. "Anyway, Truth." She said. "Who's your crush?" Ino asked her. Sakura went a little red. She stripped of her jacket. "Truth or Dare, Sai?" Sakura asked him. "Well, Truth." Sai said. " Do you have a crush on Ino?" Sakura grinned. "Honestly, yes." Sai said, not embarrassed at all. We all cheered and clapped. "Shikamaru, Truth or Dare?" Sai asked him. "It's a drag, but Dare. I ain't a coward, you know" Shikamaru said. Ino giggled. She whispered something to Sai. He nodded. "I dare you to kiss Temari... on the lips" Sai smirked while saying so. Shikamaru shrugged. Temari turned very red. He leaned towards Temari's face and kissed her on the lips, not long, not short, just right. He went back to his seat and muttered, "What a hassle." Gaara and Kankuro looked like they were gonna punch Shikamary's face. Looks like they are siblings. "Uh, Naruto, Truth or Dare?" Shikamary asked him." Dare!" Naruto replied confidently. "I dare you to slap Hinata's ass" He smiled triumphantly. Hinata turned redder than a tomato. She looked like she was going to faint. Neji looked ready to kill Naruto, if he was going to do the dare. Naruto took off his tie. "I don't want to make Hyuga angry, he's really scary..." Naruto said nervously. Neji went back to normal and sat down. "Anyway, Neji, Truth or Dare?" Naruto asked. "Well......Fine, Dare." Neji replied. Naruto smirked. "Fine, I dare you to kiss the person on your left." Neji sighed. "My left or your left?" He asked. "Your left, " Naruto said, grinning. Wait, that means...

A realization hit me. I'M ON NEJI'S LEFT!!! "Um.. " Neji looked really uncomfortable. He looked at me. I sighed. "Go ahead... " I said. He leaned towards me and gave me a peck on the cheek before going back to his seat."Aw man, thought you guys were gonna make out or something... " Naruto said. I hit him in the shoulder. "Ow!" He looked at me guiltily. "Well, it's 11 already so I think we should go back to our rooms," Neji said. We all said our goodnights and headed off to our rooms for the night.


Tenten's POV

"Beep! Beep!" My alarm clock sounded. I immediately hit the snooze button. I felt so relieved that it was Saturday. I decided to sleep in. Looks like my two roommates decided to do the same thing. They were snoozing too. My phone vibrated. It kept on vibrating. I felt annoyed. "WHAT THE HE-" Finally, the phone stopped. But there was a knock on the door. Continuous ones. I groaned loudly. It didn't stop. For the sake of Lee and Neji, I walked to the door angrily, flung it open and shouted, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT??!!" The people in front of me stood still for a moment. I rubbed my eyes. It was Hinata, Ino, Sakura, Temari and Fuu. I sighed and rubbed my temples. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap.... I'm just so annoyed." I apologized to them. They all nodded their heads. I looked at their outfits. They dressed nicely. "Where are you guys going?" I asked them. "We're going to the mall, you wanna come?" It felt like it's been a while since I went to the mall...."Okay, let me get ready first." I told them. I grabbed some clothes and rushed into the bathroom. After I finished, I looked at myself in the mirror. I had decided to wear a white, off-the-shoulder crop top with little sunflowers on it. I also wore some denim shorts, which were kinda short, but not too revealing. I put on a pair of white and black Adidas sneakers, which I had bought before coming to this school. Then, I let down my hair and put on some mascara before going out of the toilet. Lee stopped doing push ups and gaped. Neji looked up from his book and stared at me. I blushed a little. "How do I look?" I asked them. "You look great, Tenten-san!!! Really pretty!" Lee said to me."Thanks..." I looked to Neji for opinion. "You don't look bad, " He said. "That's all you can say?" I crossed my arms and pouted. I left the room and met  the girls. They all clapped and admired my outfit. Then, they called a taxi and we headed off to the mall.

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