Prom (part two)

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This chapter is very long because it is the last one


Tenten's POV

Today was prom day. I couldn't believe it. We were nearing the end of the year. So, I decided to sleep in. But, of course, someone had to ruin it.

Knock knock

"NEJI CAN YOU GET IT?" I asked him. Lee had gone out so only me and Neji were there. "You get it, I'm sleeping too..." He muttered sleepily. "Fine, if it's one of the girls, I'll open it. If it's one of the boys, you open it." I said. He nodded sleepily. I checked through the eyehole and it was Ino. "AWWW!!" I said loudly. I opened the door. "Yes Ino? Thanks for waking me up at EIGHT IN THE MORNING!!" I said sarcastically. She giggled. "Ten, it's a tradition for us to go to one of each other's rooms and get ready for prom together!" She said. I groaned. "But prom doesn't start for at least 10 hours........" I looked at her puppy eyes and sighed. "Oh fine, hold for 10 minutes at least." I told her. She clapped her hands in excitement. I closed the door and got changed out of my bunny pajamas. "Neji, I'm heading out!" I yelled to him from outside the door. He grunted in reply. I closed the door and walked down the hallway toward Ino's room.

In Ino's room

"Anyone there?" I shouted and knocked on the door at the same time. It was opened by Sai. "Hello Tenten." He greeted me. I waved. "Sai!!" Ino pushed him out the door. "It's girl time, remember? I told you that!" She told him. Sai nodded, then waved goodbye to us and walked down the hall toward Naruto's room. Ino gestured for me to come in. Sakura, Hinata, Temari and Fuu were already there. "Hey!" I exclaimed. "Since we have a lot of time, why don't we watch a movie first?" Fuu asked us. We all nodded in agreement and decided on a exciting shark movie called 'The Meg'.


"Why don't we order some food? I'm hungry." Sakura said. We all agreed. "What should we order?" I asked. We scrolled through Sakura's phone for awhile. Then, something caught my eye. "Hey! What about some sashimi-don?" I asked everyone. Since the girls were all hungry, they said yes and placed the order.


We were finally getting ready for prom. We put on our dresses and borrowed some of Ino's accessories too. She lent me a diamond necklace, she lent Sakura some gold earrings to match her heels, she lent Hinata a crescent moon necklace, she lent Temari dangling earrings that had the shape of a fan, and finally lent Fuu a pair of mushroom earrings. Then, we took turns showing of our outfits.

First came Hinata. She styled her hair in a bun with a chopstick stabbed through it. She looked gorgeous in her midnight blue dress and crescent moon earrings. We all clapped.

Next was Sakura, who let her hair down and put a red ribbon in it. She had on her hot pink, one sleeved dress and gold earrings and heels. She got an 'Ooohh' from Ino.

Ino went next and wore her hair in the usual high ponytail. She came out in her simple sparkly black dress which of course had to be revealing, and she also wore her silver heels and some dangling black hoop earrings. She did a twirl for some zest.

Temari half tied her hair and she came out in her yellow off shoulder dress and her black heels. On her ears were the fan earrings. She received a few 'Ooh's' and 'Ah's'.

Fuu put in her orange clip and let her hair down, then wore her teal colored dress, which had a really low cut and it was very short, along with the white heels she bought the other day and the mushroom earrings she borrowed from Ino. She pouted because she hated it but Ino clapped excitedly for her.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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