Scömìche Flavored!

241 17 13

A/N: I'm really tired and I saw this post from otpprompts on tumblr and I thought what the heck. Also follow me on tumblr if you don't already. My url is basspeashootergrassi

One day in a gummy bear plant, a rather tired employee was in charge of making sure each gummy bear was separate from the others.

He had gone to a party the night before, which wasn't the wisest choice.

He let two melded gummy bears go by as he was falling asleep.

But enough about the hungover employee, let's talk about those two melded gummy bears. We'll call them... Scott and Mitch. Yeah. Together they'll be... Scömìche!

So Scott and Mitch had just met and were literally stuck together until the inevitable end.

Mitch somehow opened his red gelatin eyes and and stared into the closed green also gelatin eyes of his Siamese twin.

"Is Frank hungover again?" Mitch asks, causing Scott to stir, which also caused Mitch to stir since they are, in fact, connected.

Scott looked down at the thin line that separated Mitch from Scott. "I guess so." He replies with a frown.

"He certainly looked hungover." said a pineapple flavored gummy bear beside them.

"You were awake during the cutting?" Mitch asked.

The pineapple gummy bear nodded gravely, choking out a "yes."

Mitch reached his minuscule gelatin armed and patted the pineapple gummy bear sympathetically. "I'm so sorry that happened. You know, I know a wonderful therapist! I can give you her number."

The pineapple gummy bear sniffled. "Would you?"

"Of course I would fellow gelatin treat." Mitch replies with a smile.

The pineapple gummy bear put a hand over Mitch's hand. "Bless you."

Mitch patted the pineapple gummy bear's arm again before retracting his hand.

"Mitch, I think we're about to be bagged." Scott says, fear and excitement laced in his voice.

Mitch looked forward and saw the end of the conveyor belt and gummy bears falling to their destiny.

"It was gonna happen anyway." Mitch says, closing his eyes as they neared the edge. "At least we're together. Literally."

"Yeah, I guess so..." Scott replies, staring up at the fluorescent lights. Thankfully his eyes were made of gelatin and food coloring so he wasn't blinded, though I'm not sure how he can see in the first place...

They felt themselves fall, and landed into the bag.

Unfortunately, they were one of the last ones to get in so they landed on a bunch of other gummy bears.

A chorus of "Owww!"s and curses chimed from the gummy bears and Scott and Mitch apologized.

The bag was sealed and now they were to be shipped to the store.


They didn't like being shipped. Well, by mail anyway. They don't mind being shipped romantically. But it was dark and cold, and the other gummy bears weren't very sociable.

Some were praying that they wouldn't be eaten, which Mitch thought was kinda stupid because then you'd get thrown away and into the dump and into the incinerator.

The death of a consumed gummy bear was a noble one; they would satisfy a human's gluttonous desires, and relieve their hunger. They're saving lives.

Scott and Mitch didn't mind.

Soon they were being pulled out of the truck and put on a shelf.

There they patiently waited for a customer to come and take them so they could end their pointless gelatin lives.

The bag sat there for almost a day before a very tall very attractive man wearing a SnapBack and a Taylor Swift tank plucked them from the shelf.

"So I guess this is the end, huh?" Scott sighs.


"It's not that bad when you think about it, huh?"

"SHUT YOUR GELATIN MOUTH!" cried an overly emotional gummy bear towards the bottom of the bag.

"Okay! Sorry..." Scott mumbled.

The man bought them and they were stuffed in a plastic bag, taken home by the consumer.

The consumer set the bag they were in on some hard surface before they were removed from the plastic bag.

The sound of the bag ripping scraped against the gummy bears' ears.

The consumer reached in to retrieve a gummy bear. His fingers grabbed Scott and Mitch and lifted them out of the bag.

Scott stared at the consumer's gaping maw and sighed contentedly. "It's an honor to be mauled and torn to piece by such perfect, white teeth..."

"Same, girl." Mitch replies.

Those would be the couple's last words before their destiny of being eaten was fulfilled.

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