We Both Can't Have Mitch (part 1)

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A/N: Another idea given to me by @PTX_Pentaholic99. Thanks babe. ^^

So here's how it all works: Scott wants Mitch and Mitch wants Scott, but Kirstie wants Mitch and Mitch wants Kirstie.

Mitch felt like he was the rope in a game of tug of war.

Kirstie will pull, and he'll go to her.

Scott will pull back and he'll go to him.

Mitch was beginning to feel a little stretched out, the knots in his rope slowly unraveling.

One day he had had enough.

He first called Scott.

"Hey, Mitchie!" Scott chimed.

"Hey, Scott." Mitch replied. "I was just calling to invite you over for dinner tonight at my place, maybe 7 o'clock?"

"Oh, sounds great! I'll be there."

"Great. See you tonight."

"See you tonight."

Mitch hung up, sighing. He couldn't help but feel like he was going to regret this.

He shrugged the feeling off and called Kirstie.

"Kirst," Mitch began.

"Oh, hey, Mitch! What's up?"

"I was just calling to invite you over for dinner tonight at my place, maybe 7 o'clock?"

He rehearsed that line so many times, he was almost sick of it.

"I would love to! And 7 is fine. I'll see you then." Kirstie replies.

"Fantastic. See you then."

Mitch hung up, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders.


As Mitch made dinner for Scott and Kirstie, he began to imagine what could happen once Scott found out Kirstie was there, too and vice versa.

Both will indubitably be angry since they're both vying for Mitch's heart. They may even get angry at him.

Mitch shook his head. He can't dwell on it too much; he might chicken out.

The doorbell rang.

Mitch dried off his hands and ran to the door, remembering to look through the peephole.


He opened the door, smiling. "Scott!"

"Hey, Mitch." Scott greets, smiling back at him.

"Come on in." Mitch invites, standing aside so Scott could enter. "I'm still making dinner, so you can just hang out here. It should be ready in a minute."

Scott nods. "59, 58..."

Mitch rolls his eyes. "Shut up."

Scott smirks at him and Mitch walks back into the kitchen.

The pasta was just about cooked when the doorbell rang once again.

"I've got it!" Mitch cries from the kitchen, running to the door.

But Scott already had his hand on the doorknob.

Oh, crap... Mitch thought.

Kirstie had a big smile on her face, then it turned into an angry, thin line once she saw Scott at the door.

Scott most likely had the same expression as well.

"Care to explain why Kirstie is here, Mitch?" Scott inquires, the anger laced in his voice. "You said on the phone that it was just you and I having dinner."

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