We Both Can't Have Mitch (part 2)

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Kirstie was tired, so after she arrived for her half of the week with Mitch, they both went to bed.

Kirstie wanted to sleep in Mitch's bed with him. He agreed. Mitch felt like he owed Kirstie a good half-week.

Thankfully, Kirstie gave Mitch some space. She must've seen his hesitation when she asked if she could sleep with him.

The two slept with their backs turned to each other.

Well, Kirstie slept.

Mitch kept thinking about everything that could go wrong.

Mitch hardly slept a wink thanks to all those thoughts.

What if I pick Kirstie and it ruins my friendship with Scott? Vice versa?

There were a few more frightening fantasies but that particular one was the one that plagued Mitch's mind the most.

He was scared out of his mind. Maybe this wasn't the best idea...

Before he knew it, the sun was filtering through his window.

Kirstie stirred and woke up. "Good morning, Mitch." She greets groggily.

"Good morning, Kirst." The brunet replied. "What do you want for breakfast?"

Kirstie shrugged. "I don't know why but I'm in a Pop-Tart kind of mood."

Mitch chuckled. "I might have some in the pantry."

"Cool." Kirstie says, getting out of the bed and stretching. "I'll go check."

Kirstie walks out of the bedroom.

Mitch listened to the sound of her bare feet on the hardwood floor and sighed heavily. He loved Kirstie, she was his best friend, but now their relationship was in jeopardy just because he couldn't figure out his own feelings.

He dragged himself out of bed and shuffled to the kitchen, where Kirstie was still searching for Pop-Tarts. "No luck?" The tenor asked.

"Not yet." Kirstie sighed. "Aha! There they are! Ooh, strawberry!" She smiles as she pulls out the box.

Mitch smiled and began to make his own breakfast, even though he wasn't hungry. He picked at a bowl of Cocoa Puffs while Kirstie was scarfing down Pop-Tart after Pop-Tart.

"Are you feeling okay, Mitch?" Kirstie asked. "You're not really eating."

"I'm just not hungry. I'm actually pretty anxious about all this..."

Kirstie gave him a sympathetic smile. "I bet. Is there anything I can do?"

Mitch shook his head. "I'll be all right." He put the bowl by the sink and smiled. "Now, what do you want to do?"

Kirstie took another bite of a Pop-Tart and chewed thoughtfully. "It's Sunday, and you can't do much on Sundays." She said after swallowing the breakfast pastry. "Maybe we can just stay here and watch old movies and TV shows. A lazy Sunday."

"All right. Sounds good. You can go pick out the movie, I don't care."

Kirstie nods and walks to the living room and to the bookcase where I kept all my movies. "How does Lilo & Stitch sound, Mitch?" She called.

"That's fine." Mitch called back.

Mitch walked into the living room and saw Kirstie putting the disc in the player. "I haven't watched this movie in forever." She says.

"Me neither." Mitch replies, sitting down on the couch.

Kirstie plopped down next to Mitch, cuddling up to him.

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