What Hurts the Most

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A/N: Original idea by @PTX_Pentaholic99. Love you babe.

It all started with a cheesy love note that Scott slid into Mitch's locker while they were in high school.

Scott was expecting Mitch to laugh, thinking that he was just pulling a prank on him.

But when he watched Mitch pick up the note and read it, he saw Mitch put a hand over his mouth, his cheeks reddening and his eyes tearing up.

Things only went uphill from there. Eventually they started dating, became high school sweethearts, and managed to maintain their relationship into college.

Everyone who knew them shipped them and hoped that one of them would pop the question after they had been dating for three years.

Scott thought their relationship was going so well.

But apparently, he was wrong.

It was a cold December night, right before the winter holiday when Mitch asked if he could talk to Scott.

Scott's mind jumped to the worst case scenario, but he put on a smile and sat next to Mitch on their bed.

Mitch was avoiding Scott's gaze, and was holding his hand far less tighter than usual.

"This... isn't working out. I'm sorry, but I'm breaking up with you, Scott." Mitch whispers.

The words hit Scott like a brick.

Mitch's hand slips away from Scott's. He stood and began to walk away, grabbing his suitcase and walking out the door.

Scott wanted to call out to him, beg and plead for him to stay, but he was frozen.

What made Mitch do this? Was he not as happy as Scott thought he was? But how could he be sad? They were always having fun together... Was it all an act?

All these questions ran a marathon in Scott's head, keeping him awake and making him wonder why he had to sleep alone tonight.


In the morning, Scott sends Mitch a text.

Mitchie, I don't know what I did wrong, if I even did anything wrong, and whatever it was, I'm so, so sorry. Please come back. I need you...

Scott sent the message even though he felt pathetic as he reread it.

He decided to leave his phone on the bedside table instead of staring at, hoping Mitch would reply.

He went to class that day and didn't pay attention to a single lecture. He couldn't stop thinking about Mitch and what had happened the night before.


All of his thoughts circled back to that one word, that one question...


Why did he leave me? Why would he do it so randomly and quickly? Why?

Scott blinks as he heard the sound of his classmates leaving the class.

"Scott," His professor, Dr. Whitney said.

"Yes, ma'am?" He replies.

"You were really out of it today. How are you?"

"Fine." Scott lied. "Just tired."

Dr. Whitney shook her head. "Then you better get some sleep, young man. Your whole future is riding on this; don't screw it up."

Scott nods. "Yes, ma'am." He says as he walks out of the classroom.

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