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You wake up and go straight to Mike's house, his mom understands immediately and lets you in. You sit in the basement for a bit with Mike. You're flipping through drawings Will made for you guys and El keeps messing with his supercom. "Can you please stop that?" -Mike. She keeps doing it. "Are you deaf? I thought we were friends, you know? But friends tell eachother the truth. And they definitely don't lie to eachother. One made us think Will was ok, that he was still out there, but he wasnt! He wasn't." -Mike. "Maybe you thought you were helping, but you weren't." -You. "You hurt me, do you understand? What you did sucks. Lucas was right about you. All along." -Mike. You and him continue flipping through the drawing when you hear Will's voice coming from the super com. He's singing that one song he always sings. You guys run over to El. "Will is that you? Do you copy, over? Will?!" -Mike. "Was that? Was it?" -You. "Will" -El. You stare at her, shocked and look over at Mike. And discuss what you're gonna do next. Mike tells his mom he's gonna stay home, and his mom lets him and says he can have his friend group over. Once his mom leaves, Mike grabs his supercom and starts trying to reach Lucas. "Lucas do you copy? Lucas, come on, we know you're there" -Mike. "This is urgent we're serious" -You. "I'm not gonna stop until you answer." -mike. "Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas" -You. "Go away guys, I'm not in the mood right now. Over and out-" -Lucas. "No, not out. I'm not messing around, ok? This is about Will. Over." -Mike. You still feel sad when you heard his name, even though you know he's alive. "What about Will? About his funeral? Over." -Lucas. "No, not his funeral. Screw his funeral" -Mike. You can imagine how it sounds to Lucas, not knowing what they know. "What?" -Lucas. "Just get to Mike's house asap, and bring Dustin. Over and out" -You. Now you two wait for Lucas and Dustin to show up. 

Once they get there, Mike explains what happened. El does it again while youre all sitting there. It sounds like Will crying. "We keep losing signal, but you heard it right?" -Mike. "Yeah, I heard a baby." -Lucas. "What?" -Mike. "Mike, you obviously tapped into a baby monitor. Its probably the Blackburns' next door." -Lucas. "Uh, did that sound like a baby to you? That was Will!" -Mike. "Mike." -Lucas. "Lucas you don't understand, he spoke. Words!. He was singing that weird song he loves! Even El heard him" -You. "Oh well if the weirdo heard him, then I guess-" -Lucas. "Are you sure you're on the right channel?" -Dustin. "I don't think its about that. I think, somehow, he's channeling him." -You. "Like... Like professor X." -Dustin. "Yeah" -You. "Are you actually believing this cr**?" I don't know, I mean... Do you remember when Will fell off his bike and broke his finger? He sounded a lot like that." -Dustin. "Did you guys not see what I saw? They pulled Will's body out of the water. He's dead!" -Lucas. "Well maybe its his ghost,. Maybe he's haunting us." -Dustin. "It's not his ghost." -Mike. "How do you know that?" -Lucas. "I just do." -Mike. "Then what was in that water?" -Lucas. "I don't know. All I know is Will is alive. Will is alive! He's out there somewhere. All we have to do is find him." -Mike. El keeps messing with the supercom. "This isn't gonna work.We need to get her to to a stronger radio." -You. "Mr Clarke's Heath kit ham shack." -Dustin. "Yeah. -Mike. " The heathkit's at school. There is no way we're gonna get the weirdo in there without anyone noticing. I mean.. Look at her." -Lucas. You all turn to look at her and decide that you need to disguise her.

 Mike grabs your hand and takes you to old boxes in the basement. He looks in one of them and grabs a makeup box and takes it over to El. You both sit on a window sill and do El's makeup. Dustin finds a wig, and Lucas finds a dress. You guys finish her makeup and she gets dressed. When she walks out, Dustin says "Wow. She looks-" you feel Mike start to let go of your hand before saying "Pretty" -Mike. He starts holding your hand again and says "Good. You look pretty good." -Mike. You look back at Lucas and Dustin and they're looking at him like he's the crazy one. "Wow you look soooo in love" -You say to be petty. It works because Mike looks at you with a face that says 'seriously?', and Lucas and Dustin laugh. He stops looking at El after that. 

You all make a plan to go to school and get ready. You ride your skateboard, while your other friends and El ride on bikes. When you get there, you go straight for the AV room. "Okay, remember if anyone sees us, look sad." -Mike. You try to open the door. "Its locked" you say rolling your eyes. "What?" -Lucas. "Hey, do you think you can open it? With your powers?" Dustin says looking at El. "Boys." Mr Clarke says from around the corner. You all jump and turn to look at him. "Hey.." -Mike. "Assembly's about to start." -Mr Clarke. "We know. We're just, You know..." -Mike. "Upset" Lucas says smiling before quickly starting to frown. "Yeah, we're definitely upset" -You. "We need some alone time" -Mike. "Yeah, listen... I get it. I do. I know how hard this is. But lets just be there for Will, huh? And then... The heathkit is all yours for the rest of the day. What do you say?" Everyone forgets to act sad for a second and Mr Clarke looks at El. "I don't believe we've met. What's your name?" "El-" -El. "Eleanor! She's my, uh--" -Mike. "Cousin!" -You. "Second cousin" -Dustin. "She's here for Will's funeral." Mike. "Ah, well, welcome to Hawkins Middle, Eleanor. I wish you were here under better circumstances." -Mr Clark. "Thank you" -El. "Where are you from exactly?" -Mr Clark "Bad place--" -El. "Sweden" -Dustin. "I have a lot of Swedish family" -Mike. "She hates it there" -Dustin. "Cold!" -Lucas. You just look at Mr Clark nodding. "Subzero" -Dustin. "Shall we?" -Mr Clark. "Yup!" You say pulling some of your friends forward. You walk into the assembly and everyone turns to look at you guys. Dustin tries to leave but Lucas turns him back around. You all sit down and start looking around. 

You guys hear Troy and James laughing and making fun of Will. After the assembly is over you guys start to leave and see troy and James as your walking. "Hey! Hey! Hey, Troy! Hey, Troy! You... You think this is funny?" -Mike. "What'd you say, Wheeler?" -Troy. "I saw you guys laughing over there, and I think that's a real messed up thing to do" -Mike. "Didn't you listen to the counselor, Wheeler? Grief shows itself in funny ways. Besides, what's there to be sad about anyways? Will's in fairy land now, right? Flying around with all the other little fairies. All happy and gay! Just like that one. They're f****ng pathetic" Troy says and he looks over at you at that last part. Him and James turn around laughing and they start to walk away. You look down in embarrassment that Troy said that and it made you feel like sh**. Mike was furious, that they would say that about Will and even more mad that they mentioned you too. Mike walks over to Troy and pushes him onto the hard, gym floor. Troy looks at him, angry and stands up. "you're dead, Wheeler. Dead!" He tries to run up to Mike but he stops. It's like he can't move, everyone in the gym is looking as he is frozen still and his eyes are darting around. Everyone's confused, but then he started to actually p**s himself! "Dude, Troy peed himself!" Says a bystander from the side. And everyone starts laughing. You feel a sense of pride at how he got embarrassed in front of everyone. Mike starts to turn around, but he doesn't look at you, he looks at El and she smiles back. It makes you sad but you cheer back up when you look back at Troy with pee down his jeans. El wipes blood off her nose and walks away. "Hey, what's going on here?" A teacher says, noticing that there was a group formed around Troy and Mike. You grab Mike by his arm and pull him along as you and your friends run away. 

You guys rush to the AV room and El sits in front of the ham radio. "Now what?" -Dustin. "She'll find him, right El?" Mike says while turning it on. El closes her eyes and sits still. You look at your friends, wondering if it'll work. "She's doing it. She's finding him" -Mike. "This is crazy" -Dustin. "Tell me about it" -you. "Calm down. She just closed her eyes." Lucas says, speaking too soon as the light bulb above you breaks. You all listen to the radio as it starts making stomping noises. You think back to your dnd game 'Did you hear that? That.. That sound.. Boom, boom, boom!' You think back to Mike saying before all of this started. The radio kept making these boom sounds. "What is that?" -Dustin. From the radio you start hearing Will's voice. "Mom?..". "No way." -Lucas. "Mom.." Will says again. He keeps saying it over and over. Mike turn on the microphone "Will!" He says into it. "Will, it's us are you there?" -You. "Can you hear us? We're here!" Dustin adds. "Hello? Mom?" He keeps saying. "Why can't he hear us?" -Lucas. "I don't know!" -Mike. "It's like home, but it's so dark.. It's so dark and empty. And it's cold! Mom? Mom!" Will frantically says over the radio. It frightened all of you,it's so scary hearing one of your best friends talk like his life depends on it. You grab Mike's arm and you keep listening to the radio. The radio starts shooting electricity and it catches on fire. You all jump back and Dustin uses the fire extinguisher on it. Then the fire alarm goes off. You and your friends look at eachother then at El. Mike bends down to El's height and says, "El, are you okay? Can you move? Here, help her up" she looks exhausted and and pale. Lucas and Mike have her arms over their shoulders. You put aside your jealousy and you're actually concerned for her. You guys take her into a different room and place her onto this table with wheels thing. You roll her out the front door. It takes a while, but you get her back to Mike's basement.

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