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The rest of the week that James and Mallorie spent on their honeymoon was in complete bliss. They went sightseeing and thoroughly enjoyed the island of St. Thomas only to come back to their room and enjoy a night of romance and passion, and then repeat the same schedule over again.


3 months later...

Friday morning, James had to be at work by 8:30 am and Mallorie had to get ready for her job as an intern at a hospital in Houston. Come this fall, Mallorie would be going into medical school on a scholarship while James would start a brand new job doing chemical engineering at plant in Houston. The future held so many opportunities for the two, and the best part was, that they get to explore these amazing opportunities together by each other's side.

As the two got up and got ready, Mallorie made James three chicken and ranch sandwiches with the brownies she made last night for dessert for his lunch. Then she ate a quick breakfast and was on her way to the bus station near where they lived. From the bus it would take about 25/30 minutes for her to get to the hospital on time at 9:00 am. As the day progressed, the two worked away busily until it was time to come home. Mallorie's shift ended at 7:00 pm, but most of the times she wouldn't get home until 8/8:30 pm. Thankfully when she got home around 7:45 pm, James was already home. Mallorie made her way to the kitchen and found food in a pot on the stove. She lifted the lid and inhaled deeply, mmmmm...barbecue turkey burgers with onion and peppers she thought and James laid out the buns with lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles. So she washed her hands and then went to change in their room, she didn't see James but knew he was in the bathroom.

After she changed into something more comfortable, she she sat at the table and waited for James, and when he came out, he greeted Mallorie by kissing her soundly.

"I missed you." He said huskily as he placed soft kisses on her forehead.

Mallorie smiled, "You say that everyday babe, but I never get tired of hearing you say that. I missed you too James."

"I know. I only say it because it's true." he gave her one more kiss and then sat in the chair next to Mallorie at the table as he got their plates and then they held hands and prayed before they ate.

After they enjoyed their delicious meal that James made, Mallorie thanked him and opted to wash the dishes, but James wouldn't let her. So with a sigh of defeat, Mallorie went to the bathroom and took a nice long hot shower and waited in the bed for James. When he joined her, the two prayed together and then afterwards started conversing.

"Excited for tomorrow?" Mallorie asked.

"Not as excited as you are, baby showers aren't really a manly thing Mal."

"I know, but its your brother's celebration of your niece on the way. I hope they like our gift."

"Oh, I'm sure they will."

James pulled Mallorie close and wrapped his arms around her and Mallorie exhaled, "I can't wait until we start a family of our own."

"I know, but God willing that day will come when we're ready. It'll be the perfect time where we can devote all of our attention on our baby and each other."

"You know, you're always right."

James smiled, "I try my hardest"

Mallorie and James were on birth control and postponing having a child, but they were planning on starting their family a year to two years from now. Although, they had their plans set out they knew ultimately everything was in God's hands and they trusted him.

James kissed Mallorie warmly, "Although, it never hurts to try to see if we're doing everything right."

Mallorie laughed, "Oh, I believe we're doing everything just fine babe."

"Then how about we get started right now then." and Mallorie turned to him fully and kiss him square on the lips matching his passions as her own grew while he kissed her back ardently.

James broke apart from her for a split second, "I love you Mal. Thank you giving me a second chance."

Mallorie kissed him, "I don't care about the chances, all I'm thankful for is that you still loved me all this time."

"And i'll never stop loving no matter what." and that was the last word from the couple said as they submerged into their own world full of love and sensual passion expressing to each other what words simply couldn't do. Their world of love and passion, their second chance.

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