Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

The next following weeks, Mallorie was swamped with homework assignments and exams so she put all her time into studying for her exams and also getting her work done on time. During that time, she didn't have time to hang out with Austin at all, much less see him because after her classes were finished she would rush to her professor's office to get extra help. By the time the weekend rolled around, Mallorie stopped at the local cafe on Sunday evening to grab a sandwich and right as she was about to leave, she felt someone tap her lightly on the shoulder and Mallorie spun around and realized it was Austin.

"Hey Mallorie, where are you rushing too?" he smiled.

"Oh hey Austin, sorry I'm just heading back to my room."

"Do you wanna stay here and eat your sandwich with me?"

"Ahh, I'm sorry I can't. I have to get back to studying, I have two exams on Monday."

Austin playfully pouted his bottom lip, "Alright then. Well goodluck on your exam Mal, I'll see you later on this week."

"Alright then, bye." And Mallorie went back to her room and continued studying.

The next day Mallorie took her exams and a few days later, found out that she got a 91 on her Biology exam and a 89 on her chemistry exam. Mallorie was happy with herself, although a little part of her wished to get a 100% on both exams, nonetheless she was still grateful and ready to relax.

The following Thursday, Mallorie and Austin met up to have dinner together at the dinning hall on campus. They had a good time together like they usually do, and top it off, Austin asked her out on another date that following Saturday night.

"Austin, I'm a boring person, there's no need to waste your money on me." Mallorie said teasingly.

Austin laughed, "You can't get rid of me that easily Mallorie dear."

Mallorie smiled, and she noticed his gaze went to her lips. When they finished their dinner, they hugged and parted ways for the night.

The following Saturday, the weather was cooperating and it was going to be sunny all day. However, when Mallorie got up that morning she didn't know how to feel about her second date with Austin. It wasn't like she was nervous or had butterflies in her stomach; she honestly felt like it was another casual meetup with Austin. Mallorie was worried... I should probably let Austin know that I don't have those types of feelings for him Mallorie thought. When she was done getting ready, she came to a final decision that she would tell Austin the truth tonight about her feelings so she wouldn't make the situation worse in the future.

When Austin arrived to pick her up, Mallorie was dressed in a fuchsia pink maxi dress with a casual black jacket and black sandals. Austin looked her over and smiled.

"You look really nice Mallorie."

Mallorie shyly smiled, "Thank you" she wasn't use to being paid so many compliments from Austin. That night, Austin took Mallorie to a nice Italian restaurant and throughout the night, they ate dinner and had comfortable conversations throughout. When they were finished, Austin and Mallorie left and walked out until they came to a spot in the parking lot where they waited for their taxi to come.

Mallorie was standing against a wall while Austin stood close to her, "Have I told you that you look really beautiful tonight?"

Mallorie immediately stood up straight and looked Austin in the eyes. She could see that he genuinely meant his compliment; Mallorie knew Austin had liked her somehow but she didn't want to lead him on not knowing where her own feelings stood for Austin.

Or James.

Mallorie smiled, "Thank you Austin, and yes you told before we left."

"I just wanted to make sure you knew." Austin smiled. He took a step closer bringing them chest width apart. "Did you enjoy yourself tonight?" he asked while touching a soft tendril of hair by her ear. Mallorie didn't know what to do and suddenly became self-conscious.
"Yeah, I had a great time. Thanks again."

"You know Mallorie" he paused, "I really like you and I can't stop thinking about you. I've been wanting to do something since I first saw you." his voice became deeper.

Mallorie's heart began to race through her chest, "Do what?" she barely whispered.


Austin gently cradled her cheek in his right hand and slowly bent his towards her while looking at her expression. Right as his lip was about to touch her own, Mallorie's mind had an instant flashback of when she and James almost kissed, and then that brought her back to reality.

"No Austin" she whispered. He instantly backed away and look confused, "I'm sorry. I can't do this, you're a great guy but, my heart is somewhere else."

Austin released a sigh, "It's alright, I shouldn't have rushed."

Mallorie exhaled, "It's not you Austin, its just I don't have romantic feelings for you." When she said that, she saw the hurt briefly flash across her face.

Austin averted his eyes for a second, then spoke "It's cool Mallorie, I understand. I guess we need to sit down and talk about things."

"Yeah I agree, I'll text you when I'm free so we can meet up then."


"Once again, I'm really sorry Austin." Mallorie looked Austin in the eyes and Austin smiled ruefully. A few seconds later the taxi arrived and honked its horn off in the distance. When they got back on campus, Austin gave Mallorie a casual hug and told her goodnight.

When Mallorie got back to her room, she sat down on her bed and took a deep breath; her thoughts were a mess. She should be happy that someone as good as Austin noticed and liked her, but she wasn't. Mallorie was extremely grateful for Austin's friendship but, she just didn't have any romantic feelings for him. And, as much as she tried to forget and deny her feelings for James, she just couldn't. Also, she couldn't get James out of her mind, much less her heart. So, Mallorie felt terrible for leading Austin on up to that point, but it wouldn't feel right to kiss him when her feelings lied somewhere. Before Mallorie went to bed she texted Austin and ask him to lunch with her the following day so they could talk.

When Mallorie's head hit her pillow, she looked towards the ceiling and started to ponder, this was going to be one of the most difficult and awkward conversation tomorrow. Mallorie stayed up for a few more minutes thinking of all directions of how the conversation with Austin was going to go. But, after a few minutes Mallorie finally fell asleep.

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