Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

When Mallorie came back to school from winter break, she felt refreshed and revived and she was ready to take on the second semester of her sophomore year in college. She couldn't believe that she was almost halfway through her undergraduate career. When Mallorie started her spring classes she had already grown to be familiar with most of the sophomores on campus, but she noticed a new guy that had the same math class as her.

This new guy was very handsome, and the first time she made eye contact with him, he caught her eye and smiled at her. By the third day of classes, the new guy decided to sit directly behind Mallorie and she wasn't even aware of the open seat behind her. Now, every time she went to sit down, she became so self-conscious of herself since he was sitting right behind her.

By the second week of classes, she felt like the new guy was watching her but not in a strange stalker way. On Tuesday morning after her math class ended, Mallorie was making her way out of the lecture room when the new guy suddenly stopped her.

"Hi, I'm Austin, nice to meet you."

"Oh, hi Austin, nice to meet you, I'm Mallorie."

"The pleasure is mine, Mallorie is a pretty name." Mallorie smiled.

"Thank you."

"Do you want to grab a bite to eat together?"

"Sure, that'd be great."

So Mallorie and Austin went to one of the cafe's on campus to grab lunch together. After they got their sandwiches, they sat at a table and began eating.

"So what year are you Mallorie?" Austin asked.

"I'm a sophomore currently. What about you?"

"I'm a junior."

"Oh really, where did you transfer from? "

"Assuming that I'm a transfer student huh?" Austin teased.

"Well, you know I'm just saying cause I've never seen you around before and I've been going here for almost two years." Mallorie smiled.

Austin smiled, "Okay, I'll give you that, but before I came here I went to school Wesley college in Delaware and now I transfered here this past winter."

"What are you majoring in?" Mallorie asked.

"I'm majoring in electrical engineering."

"Oh, nice. Must be interesting huh?"

Austin paused, "Well, sometimes it is although truthfully I really don't like chemistry, but I love physics" he smiled. As he smiled, she looked at him and mentally noted how handsome he was. He had the same complexion as Mallorie paired with warm brown eyes and a nice smile. He also had a muscular physique that showed through his clothes. It wasn't until Mallorie realize that she was staring at Austin that she averted her gaze to her food. But, it was too late Austin already noticed Mallorie staring but decided not to say anything about it.

"So what are you majoring in Mallorie?"

"Well, I want to be in the medical field so I'm majoring in biology with a minor in chemistry. And, hey chemistry's not that bad"

Austin smiled, " That's a difference of opinions, but that's pretty cool what you're majoring in. What do you want to be?"

"I'm not entirely sure yet, but maybe a pediatrician." she smiled, "I love kids."

"Do you have any?"

"Oh, no." she chuckled lightly, "That'll be a long time from now, but when I do have kids, I know it'll be the right time." she smiled. "What about you, do you have any kids?"

"No, but I have a niece and its as if she's my daughter. I love her to pieces."

"Aww, that sweet."

Austin laughed lightly, "I'm use to the ladies saying that every time I say that." he smiled revealing to Mallorie his dimples and shiny white teeth.

"Well, I bet you have no problem in that department." Mallorie teased.

Austin laughed again, "You're right but, I don't like wasting my time on girls who just wanna play games."

Mallorie nodded her head in understanding, "So do you have any classes next?"

"Yeah, I have two more classes and then I'm done. What about you?"

"I have biology lab and then I'm done for the day." Then Mallorie paused and looked at her clock, "I actually have to start walking to my lab now."

"Alright well, I'll catch you around in class next time and maybe we can have lunch together again."

"Sure no problem, that sounds great. See you around." Then Mallorie and Austin parted ways and went on with their day. After Mallorie came back to her room after her lab then dinner, she thought about her lunch with Austin and how she had a good time. Austin seemed like a great guy so far, and he seemed to take Mallorie's mind off of James. After Mallorie changed into her PJ's, she then dropped on her bed and went to sleep. For the first time in months , she actually had a good dream.

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