Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

The day was finally here, the day that Mallorie fearfully dreaded. She was leaving Japan and she was an emotional mess. The bus that was taking Mallorie and her family to the Japanese airport was leaving at 11:00 in the morning. So, Mallorie's morning consisted of Mallorie and her family checking out of their hotel room and transporting all of their luggage to the main lobby. By 10:00, Mallorie was exhausted and drained. Although, on the bright side by 10:00am, members from Mallorie's church came over to tell Mallorie and her family goodbye and help. Her pastors even came along with many of her friends as well. James also came too.

When James walked up to Mallorie and her family, he hugged her mom and grandmother first before he hugged Mallorie. When they hugged each other, Mallorie clunged to him and inadvertently released a tear in his shirt. She knew she was getting looks from everyone around her including her mom and grandmother, but at that moment she didn't care. This was the man that she had fallen in love with a year ago and James would always have a special place in her heart. When Mallorie and James parted form each other, she quickly looked away afraid to see the emotion in his eyes. But just as she was about to turn around and walk away, James lightly placed his hand on her arm.

"Mallorie, I got something for you." she looked at him and he pulled his arm from behind his back, and he gave her the bag. When Mallorie saw the bag, her eyes grew wide and she put her hand to her mouth.

"You got this for me?" she asked.

"It's a token of our gratitude from the youth group and myself,"

"Thank you so much! I appreciate it." she hugged James quickly again. "Thank you for everything that you done James, I truly wish you the best." and It was all that James could do from pulling her into his arms and begging her not to go to America. This was going to be so hard for him to physically be separated from her. He had grown so used to seeing her every Tuesday night and now he wouldn't see her again for a long time.

Finally 11:00 came and the bus arrived to board the passengers to the airport. James and everyone else helped Mallorie, her mom, and grandmother get their luggage on the bus. James said his last goodbye. And when the bus started driving away, Mallorie broke down and released all the tears that she had been holding on. As Mallorie cried, her mom tried to comfort her, but not even her mom's soothing words could mend Mallorie's broken heart. Not only was she saying goodbye to the land and the people she had grown to love, but she was also saying goodbye to the man that she never had a chance to love. This was one of the hardest things she ever felt. Mallorie desperately prayed in her heart that she would get a second chance to love James again.

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