Root of Evil

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Memories flashed through Valen's mind, for a moment he could see the endless expanse of the universe and the first five beings that came into existence from the remains of Chaos. He saw how time began moving and the first vestiges of mortal life arose on Earth. He saw how the age of the Titans passed and how the age of the gods began. He saw a war between the gods and beings similar to the Titans, yet fundamentally different.

The view shattered and the tether of darkness connecting him to Erebus severed. He fell down on all fours and dry retched on the ground. His mind was still spinning from the visions. He felt warm blood trickle down his nose and wiped it off.

"What," he gasped, "just happened?"

"I..." Erebus began, "did not expect it could go this bad. An oversight on my part, my apologies."

"Were those," he pushed himself up, his legs still trembling, "your memories?"

Erebus nodded, "Yes. It is extremely dangerous to view the raw memories of a primordial, with enough exposure a lesser god would be driven mad."

Valen blinked once, "I'm not going to go mad if I host you, am I?"

"No," he shook his head. "I will have to guard my mind from yours so that our memories and personalities do not mesh into one."

"Just out of sheer morbid curiosity, what would happen if our minds did mesh?" Valen asked.

"The two of us stop to exist, and a different entity arises from our conjoining. It would hold all the qualities and memories of the two of us, but it would still be a different being." he said, rubbing his chin. "Now that I think about it, the two of us might still keep existing as a single soul inside that entity."

Valen gulped nervously, "Yeah, let's make sure that never happens."

Erebus nodded. "It would be bad for both of us," he sighed. "I had wanted to spare you the pain from the traditional method, but it is our only option now."

"I can handle it," Valen said. "Probably," He added at the end.

"Well then," Erebus said, his form growing ethereal, "prepare yourself for some of the worst pain you will ever experience in your life."

And then, they merged, and Valen almost passed out from the pain. It felt as if his blood was boiling in his veins, every single one of his muscles was cramped and his bones grated against his flesh like shards of glass.

For once he was glad there was no one in the castle to listen to his harrowing screams of agony. After what seemed like an eternity, but in reality was only a few minutes, sudden clarity assaulted Valen for a split second before his body was thrown away as the two beings were forced to separate.

"Ack!" He wheezed as he hit the wall at the far end of the room. He groaned as he pushed himself up. "I don't suppose you have some nectar and ambrosia on you?"

Erebus waved an arm past him, and a wave of energy passed through him, erasing all his aches instantly.

Valen sighed as the pain left him, "So, why did that happen?"

"There is still a long way before you can properly host me," he said, shrugging. "You will get used to the pain."


"I was joking," he deadpanned. "You can use this opportunity to practice how to realign your body mid-air to land in a favorable position. I am certain you will have your fair share of being blown away."

"That's...oddly specific?"

"Come, we have no time to waste." he said, changing the topic as a tether formed between them again. Valen sighed mentally bracing himself for the pain.

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