Shadow Siege

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That afternoon was Valen's first swordsmanship lesson in the Legion. All along the way Frank kept giving him tips and pointers for his first day. And while Valen already knew most of them, he let Frank go on undeterred, entertaining him.

They were waiting for him when he got there, judging by the impatient looks on dozens of legionnaires.

"Good luck." Frank said. "I'm going to go, swordsmanship and me don't really fit."

Valen nodded, patting him on his shoulder, "I'll catch up to you guys later."

As Frank left, the instructor walked up to him. He was old for a demigod, in his late twenties.

"New guy finally decides to join us, eh?" He said as he got close to him.

Before Valen could respond, he spoke again, "Ah, I'm just kidding. You aren't late."

Valen nodded and made to join the crowd, but the instructor stopped him. "Oh no, you won't be joining them yet."

Valen raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

"Because," he said, gesturing to him to walk, "you are a beginner, they are not. I'll be teaching you one on one until you get to their level."


He turned to the rest of the class, "You know the drill. Find a partner and practise every maneuver at least three times."

Like a well-oiled machine, they fell into place, forming over a dozen pairs.

"My name is Ajax," he said, extending his arm. "Yes it's the same as the one in the Iliad, and no, we are not related." he added as if he had answered that question too many times.

"Valen Steensen."

He nodded, releasing his hand and walking back, "Now, let us begin."

Valen shrugged, summoning Stormguard, and bending his knees.

"Whoa there." he interrupted, raising an arm. "We're not going to be using actual swords yet, just wooden practice ones for now."

Valen raised an eyebrow, before sighing and sheathing Stormguard. He didn't remember ever having to use wooden swords.

There's a first time for everything I guess.

"How did you even get that thing." Ajax breathed out as he picked up two practice swords and threw one to Valen.

Grabbing the sword by its grip, Valen said, "I don't know, but all I know is that it was a gift."

"Huh," he took a stance, "well then. Defend yourself."

With that warning, he lunged forward. His sword held more like a rapier as he battered Valen with quick precise stabs.

Valen was forced on the defensive, using the flat of his sword to defend against his adversary. With each blocked strike, he took a step back. After the eighth strike, his foot scraped against the edge of the podium.

"Is that the best you can do?" Ajax asked, as his last strike grazed Valen, barely missing him.

While Ajax was still in motion, Valen took the opportunity to swiftly move out of the way; reversing their positions. Before he could regain his balance, Valen pushed him off with the butt of his sword.

"No," he said, looking down at him, "that's not the best I've got."

"You don't fight like a Roman." Ajax said, pushing himself off the ground.

"I was never taught like a Roman." he answered simply.

"Someone taught you how to fight?"

Valen hesitated, "Yes, but the memory of it escapes me."

Of Blood and DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora