Zhang Mansion

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Valen sighed, he needed to be calm for what came next. He levitated Riptide and Franks weapons out of the stash and handed them back.

"Valen," Percy said as he accepted the pen.

"I'm fine," he said, "Just, lost my cool for a moment."

He nodded, "I understand."

Valen turned towards the only remaining Amazon and raised an eyebrow, "What, not gonna enact vengeance for what I did to your sisters?"

Kinzie shrugged, "They were Otrera's supporters,"

"What?" He asked, confused.

His friends explained to him what had happened with Hylla, and the returned Amazonian queen. And the issue she was faced with.

"Like Midas," He whispered.


He shook his head, "Nevermind that." He turned to Kinzie, "Am I right to assume that Hyllas supporters won't be an issue with our escape."

She glared at him for a moment before answering, "No, we wont."

"Good," He said, staring at the exit, "I'm not going to pull any punches this time."

The first part of their escape was easy enough. Every time an Amazon tried to stop them, they would either get crushed by mountains of jewelry, or skewered by a sword. When they got to the bottom of the ladder, they found a scene that looked like Mardi Gras Armageddon—Amazons trapped up to their necks in bead necklaces, several more upside down in a mountain of amethyst earrings, and a battle forklift buried in silver charm bracelets.

"You, Hazel Levesque," Frank said, "are entirely freaking incredible."

They ran back to the throne room. They stumbled across one Amazon who must've been loyal to Hylla. As soon as she saw the escapees, she turned away like they were invisible.

The second Amazon they met wasn't so friendly. She was dressed in full armor, blocking the throne-room entrance. She spun her spear with lightning speed, but this time Percy was ready. He drew Riptide and stepped into battle. As the Amazon jabbed at him, he sidestepped, cut her spear shaft in half, and slammed the hilt of his sword against her helmet. The guard crumpled.

"Mars Almighty," Frank said. "How did you—that wasn't any Roman technique!" \

Percy grinned. "The graecus has some moves, my friend. After you."

They ran into the throne room. As promised, Hylla and her guards had cleared out. Hazel dashed over to Arion's cage and swiped anAmazon card across the lock. Instantly the stallion burst forth, rearing in triumph.

Percy, Valen and Frank stumbled backward.

"Um...is that thing tame?" Frank said.

The horse whinnied angrily.

"I don't think so," Percy guessed. "He just said, 'I will trample you to death, silly Chinese Canadian baby man.'"

Valen suppressed a chuckle, "Good one,"

"You speak horse?" Hazel asked.

"'Baby man'?" Frank spluttered.

"Speaking to horses is a Poseidon thing," Percy said. "Uh, Imean a Neptune thing."

"Then you and Arion should get along fine," Hazel said. "He's a son of Neptune too."

Percy turned pale. "Excuse me?"

"Please, you're related to the Pegasus and have a cyclops half-brother," Valen said, remembering Tyson, "and this surprises you?"

Percy blinked as the memory came back to him, "Yeah, I suppose I should be used to this."

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