Interlude - Echoes of the Cosmos

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An explosion of iridescent nebulae. A sea of neverending stars, and the darkness beyond them. And a core of green flames, concentrated to a sphere. The source of all existence. That was all he could see.

"You're finally here."

Valen turned around, coming face to face with...himself? It was a splitting image of him, the only thing differentiating them were its pitch black hair and eyes.

With a jolt, he realized what it was.

The last fragment of his soul stared up at him, "You took your sweet time."

Valen exhaled, how he did that in outer space he did not know, and stared back. "I was kinda busy with a quest."

"Ah yes, the Hera situation." he said, tilting his head. "Should have left her to rot."

"That would escalate things too quickly."

"Eh, we're going to have a war regardless, why not get rid of the troublesome ones when we have the chance?"

Valen narrowed his eyes, something was wrong. His norse-half had instantly merged with him once he had noticed him. But this part of his soul seemed to be in no hurry to merge. On top of that, his disturbing ideals were not something Valen would ever consider.

"Let's cut to the chase, you and I both know what I'm here for. So let's get on with it." he said.


"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," his copy said. "Why don't you merge with me for a change? You know, sacrifice your individuality and give up your powers."

"I am the original, you are just a part of my soul."

"Are you?" he asked. "What if you are the copy and I am the original, hm?"

"I don't have time for this." Frustrated, Valen lunged forward, and tried to grab his counterpart.

He moved back, and wagged his finger like he was talking to a dog, "Uh-uh, not going to work."

"We have a war to fight, there is no time for these games!" Valen yelled at him.

"Exactly, you should let me absorb you already."

Valen stared at him for a moment, and summoned Stormguard in his hand. "If you won't listen to my words, you will listen to my blade."

His copy laughed, "We'll see about that,"

Valen charged at him, flying through the fabric of space effortlessly. His charge ended abruptly when his sword suddenly jerked away, pulling him with it. It was as if it had a mind of it's own.

"You never use our abilities to the fullest, do you?" his copy said, hand raised as he exerted his will at Stormguard.

Glaring at him, Valen sheathed his sword. Lightning coursed through his hand, to the tip of his fingers, and he pointed towards his copy. "Parry this!" he challenged as a bolt of pure lightning shot out of his hand.

His greek half jumped out of it's way and closed in on him faster than he had any right to. Grabbing Valens arm, he said. "I'll be taking this."

He tapped the bident-shaped tattoo on his forearm, and the shattered bident sprung to life. He jumped away when a pulse of electricity surged through Valen's arm.

The two circled each other, each waiting for the other to attack. Finally Valen's shadow grew impatient and lunged at him with Shadeslayer in his hand.

Valen let Stormguard materialize for a moment, striking at Shadeslayers shaft. But the sword passed through it unimpeded, the stygian iron fragments parting to let it through. The spear solidified again, slicing across Valens cheek.

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