The Land Beyond

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"Morning," Percy greeted as Frank rose up the ladder and onto the roof.

"Beautiful day, huh?", He held his sword in one hand and a garden hose in the other.

"Hope youre up for some giant fighting," Valen said, twirling his sword absentmindedly.

Hazel patrolled the widow's walk between the two attic gables.

When she glanced at Frank, her eyes flashed with concern. "Are you okay?" she asked. "Why are you smiling?"

"Oh, uh, nothing," he managed. "Thanks for breakfast. And the clothes."

"It was the least I could do," She said, somewhat flustered.

The house suddenly shook again as a cannonball exploded mere meters from the mansion.

"So, whats our plan?" Valen asked, having stopped playing with his sword, "I mean I could just shadow travel us far enough that the giants won't follow, but I don't want to use too much of my energy before we fight Alcyoneus."

Frank took a deep breath in, "I've got a plan,"

He explained about the pilot waiting for them at the airfield, and the note his grandmother had given him. "He's a legion veteran. He'll help us."

"But Arion's not back," Hazel said. "And what about your grandmother? We can't just leave her."

Frank choked back a sob. "Maybe—maybe Arion will find us. As for my grandmother...she was pretty clear. She said she'd be okay."

Valen patted his back, "Don't worry, shes still got a while left to live. She won't die today."

Frank looked at him like a kicked puppy, "You say so?"

He nodded, "The aura of death around her isn't that strong yet, she has some time left."

"Thank you," He said, grateful for the knowledge that his grandmother would live to see another day.

"There's another problem," Percy said. "I'm not good with air travel. It's dangerous for a son of Neptune."

"You'll have to risk it....and so will I," Frank said. "By the way, we're related."

Percy almost stumbled off the roof. "What?"

"Periclymenus. Ancestor on my mom's side. Argonaut. Grandson of Poseidon.", Frank said, giving them the brief version of his family history.

Hazel's mouth fell open. "You're a—a descendant of Neptune? Frank, that's—"

"Crazy? Yeah. And there's this ability my family has, supposedly. But I don't know how to use it. If I can't figure it out—"

Another massive cheer went up from the Laistrygonians. They were staring up at Frank, pointing and waving and laughing. They had spotted their breakfast.

"Zhang!" they yelled. "Zhang!"

Hazel stepped closer to him. "They keep doing that. Why are they yelling your name?"

"Probably cause they want to eat him," Valen offered dryly.

"Never mind," Frank said. "Listen, we've got to protect Ella, take her with us."

"Of course," Hazel said. "The poor thing needs our help."

"No," Frank said. "I mean yes, but it's not just that. She recited a prophecy downstairs. I think...I think it was about this quest."

"To the north, beyond the gods, lies the legion's crown. Falling from ice, the son of Neptune shall drown." He recited, "She stopped there, as if she didn't remember the rest."

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