The Wolf King

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"I have a plan," Jason said as they were running. "But I'm going to need your help, Cyrus."

Valen raised an eyebrow, "What plan?"

Jason explained what he had thought of, holding up Piper's bag to emphasize his point.

"..." Valen deadpanned at him. "That's got to be the worst plan I've ever heard."

"Or the best," Leo offered. "We need to save Her Highness by tomorrow at the latest, and without Festus..." He trailed off, his thoughts returning to the bronze dragon.

Valen sighed, "Give me the bag,"

"Absolutely not!" Coach Hedge interrupted, "If you think I'm letting you get your slimy fingers on them-"

"Coach," Jason interrupted, "he's not a bad person."

"I don't trust him, and I'll be damned if I let him play with our lives."

Valen sighed, "It's fine, Jason, harness the spirits. I'll make sure none of us gets torn apart."

Leo gulped, "You make it sound like we're going to die."

He shrugged, "We might."

Jason walked to the back of the group, and held the bag ouotwards, ready to open the flap, "I'm ready when you are."

Valen nodded, spreading his arms as currents of air manifested around them in a sphere, "Do it."

"Here we go-" Jason's voice was cut off as they shot forward at speeds rivaling that of a jet plane.

Twice they hit something. It was hard to tell with their speeds, and both times Valen's shield kept up. But even he knew it could not handle another impact like that.

"I think we've gone far enough," he said. "Close the flap Jason."

Jason didn't reply, concentrating on pushing the flap back on.

"Jason?" Valen asked again.

"Guys, is it just me or is that mountain getting dangerously close?

"JASON!" Valen yelled, willing the shield to concentrate at the front. Just as it seemed collision was imminent, the wind stopped, and the flap on Pipers bag closed with the thud. They slowed down significantly, but they were still moving, and they collided with the mountain in a wet thud. Fortunately for them, they had hit a mount of snow, cushioning their 'fall'.

"Jason?" Leo asked, his voice clattering.


"Do me a favor, never do that again."

Jason grimaced, "Yeah, I've learned my lesson."

"Bicker later, we need to find shelter." Valen said, dusting the snow off of his clothes, "We'll freeze to death otherwise."

"I think I see a cave there." Piper said, shivering.

Leo lit a fire over his hand, and the two demigods flocked to him.

Valen stared at them, it wasn't that cold, right?

"Come on, move it cupcakes!" Hedge yelled.

They nodded collectively, and began climbing up to the cave.

"A storm is coming," Valen said, staring out the cave.

"You mean, it's going to get even colder?" Piper said.

Valen nodded, and looked back, they were all huddled near the fire, none of them were dressed for the harsh cold weather.

Valen looked down at his ring, wondering just how much his father had prepared for him. Could he have included some clothes too?

Of Blood and Darknessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن