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doing something different hoy dia 😘

jaxon smith-njigba

-fighting over the car keys and aux

"hey can you hold these or a second" you say throwing a pair of shoes at jaxon and dashing to the key hook.
"damnit" he groaned dropping your shoes and running after you.
"sucks now you get to listen to the mamma mia soundtrack the whooole way there" you laughed as he groaned from the passenger seat.

-him being nervous before meeting your family so you helped him "study"

"kay so you have to know how to play euchre, sequence, and a couple more games so we'll start with that"

-him going too long without shaving his beard

"you need to shave that" you pointed at his face while laying next to each other in bed.
"what why i think it looks good" he frowned.
"yeah it looks hot, but it tickles when we kiss" you sulked, which completely flipped his whole mood.
"oh you mean like this" he grinned, turning over so he could be on top of you.
"oh my god.. jax quit it" you breathed in between fits of laughter as he kissed you all over your face.

-he sleeps over for the first time and sees your bed of stuffed animals

"that is a lot of stuffed animals" he emphasized when you turned on a lamp.
"sorry you're too lame to sleep with stuffed animals" you shrugged tossing a small stuffed dog at him.
"no it's cool, i envy your decorating style" he flopped down on your bed with the stuffed animals.
"you should" you laid down next to him playing with a stuffed animal in your hand as he turned to kiss the top of your head.

-"i'll never get tired of doing that" referring to a kiss

-meeting in college

-going shopping together

"okay three, two, one" i counted down, hand on the doorknob.
we both walked out of our dressing rooms.
"ooh give me a twirl" he grabbed your hand and pulled it above your head as you spinned, "you look hot" he glanced you up and down.
"you've said that about every outfit, i can't buy them all" you giggled softly, "i like the overalls, but maybe try it with that sweater instead" you brushed his overall straps over and pointed to the white patterned sweater behind him.
"i was thinking the same thing" he turned around and began taking off the shirt he had on, "did you just touch my butt" he quickly whirled around and gave you a 'oh really now' look.
"maybe" you yelped as he tried to grab you"

-sitting on his lap often

"i've got a seat right here for you, kept it warm" he gestured to his lap.
"ew you sound like a pervert" you laughed, sitting down on him nonetheless as his arms wrapped around your waist.

-him hating getting up early

"just stay here for 5 minutes" he grabbed your waist when you tried to get out of bed.
"i have to get ready for work and it's already been ten minutes, and you have practice soon so get up" you patted his thigh and got out of his grip.
"ughh i don't want to" he turned his head into the pillow as he groaned.
"you're so dramatic"

-matching jewelry; necklaces, rings, bracelts, earrings etc.

-making a wish at 11:11

"babe, babe, babe look" he tapped your arm vigorously and pointed at the clock.
"11:11 make a wish" you gasped as you both sat in silence until the minute passed.

justin fields

-pulling on his braids to get his attention, which he finds extremely annoying. but it works so you don't stop, especially when he's distracted by video games

"i feel like just saying my name could grab my attention the same way" he hissed in pain.
"okay i know that didn't hurt, and this way is more fun, for me at least" you gave him a light kiss on the cheek.
"great now i can't even be mad at you"
"well if you actually do what i'm asking of you, there'll be more where that came from" you sang walking away, hearing justin following close behind you.

-convincing him to go out in the snow

"why are we out here again" he stood, burrowed in a large coat.
"because you live in chicago and you need to get used to the cold, now stop whining and come build a snowman"

-staying inside the car for a few more minutes for the song to finish playing

"wait close the door the songs not over"

-him staring at you for too long in the car, making you flustered.

"eyes on the road, fields" you blush as he laughs.

-him traveling a lot so he comes back pretty late

~him crawling into bed with you late at night after landing. he wraps his arm around your waist as you feel the bed dip.
"you're back" you gasped, tiredly, turning over to face him.
"i'm back baby, go back to sleep i'll see you in the morning" he kissed your nose as you leaned in closer to his chest.

-the majority of both of your camera rolls are filled with pictures of each other and his dog, sometimes both in one.

dancing and singing around the house like you guys are in a musical often.

-watching sitcoms together >>>

-getting him addicted to self care with you

"ughhh fine" he finally accepted it, he was gonna let me pluck his eyebrows


"hey so you know like a week ago when you um, plucked me eyebrows or whatever" he said, walking up next to you in the bathroom.
"mhmm" you looked at him with a hopeful look
"umm do you think you could maybe do it again"
"umm yes of course! ahh are you gonna let me paint your nails too" you excitedly said
"baby steps, babe"

-calling each other casual/gender neutral nicknames.
~you calling him girlie, bro, pookie, buster, buddy (these are all platonic names i call my friends 😭)
~him calling you dawg, schnookums, boy in response to you calling him girlie

-getting way too into game shows 

"what is tom hanks. What Is Tom Hanks!" you both shouting at the tv during jeopardy. 

i felt like i went to long without posting anything, so i whipped this up tonight. i promise i'm working on other chapters so bear with me.

let me know if you want these for other players cause it was pretty fun, even if some of them were strangely specific. 

i wanted to do 2 for this chapter just cause i don't have a reason.

toodles <3

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