home for the weekend (anthony richardson)

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i was sitting by the front window in my house, where i had been since i got home from practice about 2 hours ago.

since it was friday, my girlfriend, tiffany, was gonna come up and stayed with me for the weekend.

she's studying public health at indiana university school of medicine. she's pretty damn amazing.

the only problem is that bloomington, which is where IU is, is about an hour away from my house in indianapolis.

it's not the easiest thing being an hour away from each other, but it could be worse. because we're still relatively close to each other, a couple times a month, she comes and stays overnight at my house.

we also meet in the middle between indianapolis and bloomington a lot. i don't normally go down to bloomington a lot because as tiff described it, her dorm was, "basically the equivalent of a pig pen at a farm."

today was one of those days where she came up to my house, except this time she was staying the whole weekend before she had to go back to school.

not only that, but her fall break starts next week so after she gets done with all her classes for the week, she's all mine in indianapolis.

anyway, that's why i've been laying by the window, so i can see her car pull up in my driveway.

10 minutes later there was her mini cooper pulling into the driveway. every passenger hated that car, but she liked that because it "means nobody will ask me to drive them anywhere." can't argue with her logic.

i jumped up at the sight and walked over to the door and waited her to get out of her car and walk over.

she exited her car with a backpack and made her way to my door, her tired steps growing lighter with every stride.

before she could reach her hand out to knock, i opened the door to engulf her in a hug. i haven't seen this girl in two weeks and i'm sure i may have cut off some of her airways even with her big ass backpack still on her. that became evident when she tapped her hand against my side, silently asking me to release my hold.

"oh i'm sorry, baby, i just missed you" i loosened my grip, allowing her arms to come around me too.
"i missed you too. i saw you in the window, you're like a cat laying there staring out the window." she laughed into our hug.
"well i was waiting for you miss 'i have to drive the speed limit'"
"i didn't realize you wanted me to be an unsafe driver, richardson. the speed limit is there for a reason."
"so i'm not worth breaking the law for. i get it you don't love me it's fine." i sighed, removing my arms from around her and instead holding the back of her neck while i planted a kiss to the top of her head.
"you're so dramatic sometimes. now are you gonna let me in or what, this backpack is getting heavy" she asked, letting go of me too.
"oh yeah. let's go in." i opened the door wider behind me and opened my arms to let her through.

while she walked past me to enter my house, i hooked my hand around top handle of her backpack to relieve some of the weight from her shoulders. this action made her sigh in relief and she took the opportunity to slide her arms out of the backpack straps and retire to my couch.

retire is a rather elegant term though, what she did could be described better as flopping face first down into my couch.

i set her bag down against the wall and walked over to join her.

"so i was thinking" i started, getting comfortable basically on top of her on the couch.
"that's dangerous" i heard her muffle from the pillow she was face down in.
"anyway" i began after lightly flicking her in the back of the head, "i was invited to go out to a pacers game tonight, and i was wondering if you wanted to go. we can stay in tonight too, it's up to you."
"if you were invited, we should go."
"it's up to you, we can go out for dinner before if you'd like, my treat obviously."
"how about, we rot on the couch til it's time to go, and then we eat at waffle house when it's done" she proposed.
"sounds great. do you want me to get off of you or.."
"yes please get off you're like 3 tons" she groaned from under me.
"your ass is so dramatic" i laughed, flipping us over so that she was laying on top of me instead, ironically my hands were in fact resting on her ass.

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