i told you so (bryce young)

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when i saw my phone light up and her contact, Elle💛, my heart fluttered, and then crashed right back down.

my close friend, eleanor, who i hadn't heard from in months, had just called me. the last i heard from her she was getting pretty serious with some guy named tony that i thought was a dickhead. just the way he acted, i knew exactly what he wanted with elle, and it wasn't gonna end well for her.

what she didn't know is that i was that perfect guy for her. i know that sounds like some weird 'nice guy', but i had been in love with this girl forever and it killed me that i still haven't told her.

i was there for every heartbreak and everytime i had hoped she would look at me and notice what we could be. she also stood by my side for all of life's highs and lows, supported me at every football game, i couldn't ask for anyone better to share all life's greatest memories with.

i made my concerns clear to her from the start, but she assured me that she wouldn't let herself get taken advantage of and that he wasn't that kind of guy.

i guess she told him what i said about him and i got a text from her later that day.

~'hey bryce i'm sorry but i think tony is getting insecure from our friendship. i don't know how often we can talk and hang out now.'

-'elle you see what he's doing don't you?'

~'bye bryce, love you'

-'Elle can we talk about this?'
-'he's not good for you and i think you know that. he doesn't deserve you. i don't want to give you an 'i told you so' speech in a couple months, but i will if i have to.'
-'okay fine. i won't argue with you, you can make your own decisions eleanor.'

so now that she was calling me, i can't imagine it would be good news.

"eleanor? you there?" i asked a couple seconds after accepting her call

"yeah i'm here. i just wanted to apologize and tell you that you were right." i could hear her say through tears and sniffles.

"do you want me to come over?"

"yes please" she said quietly. i couldn't even be mad at her, i felt so terrible. her voice was so frail, it hurt me to hear her the aching in her voice.

i sighed, "okay i'm on my way."

"thank you" she said quietly on the other end of the phone.

"yep" i said and hung up the phone. a part of me was mad at that asshole guy she was with, another part was annoyed that she let someone try and control her life like that, but most of all i was just relieved i got to finally see one of my best friends again after all this time.


a half an hour later, i parked my car outside of eleanor's house. taking a deep breath, i stepped out of the car and walked up to her front door.

before i could knock on her door, it opened slightly and for a split second i could see her eye peek through the crack before the door opened all the way.

in an instant, her arms were wrapped around my torso in a tight grip that left me a little breathless.

my arms came around her for the first time in months and i realized how much i missed this, missed us.

"i'm so so sorry, and you can tell me i told you so as many times as you want" she mumbled from the spot where her head was laying against my chest.

"as long as you know, i'm just happy that you're done with him and back to being mine. it's been a long four months without my best friend."

"i just feel so fucking stupid, all the ignored red flags, i totally let him walk all over me and you had to pay the price. bryce, i'm so sorry and i get it if it takes you some time to forgive me." she said, pulling her head away from my chest to reveal her teary eyes.

"no i forgive you. what's important is you're done with him. you are done with him right?" i added
"yes, yes, i'm never even speaking to that prick again. you have my absolute word. actually if i ever mention contacting him again i need you to promise that you'll shoot me in the head, no hesitation." she held out her pinky with very serious face.
"that's a little dramatic, i'm not gonna shoot you i don't even know where to get a gun- point is, i think we both know you won't be returning to him anytime soon." i reasoned with her.
"no uh-uh i need your promise. i don't want to make a mistake like that again" she continued to hold her pinky out.
"alright, fine" i said and linked our pinky's together.

after that we silently walked over to the stools sitting on the island. nobody said anything for a while, and i could tell she was reflecting and trying to hold back tears so i decided to break the silence.

"he doesn't deserve you, elle"

"i know that, that's why i'm so mad at myself. i should've never let a man like that into my heart" she groaned, head in her hands. i sighed along with her and rubbed my hand up and down her back in a comforting way.

"okay give me a sec to come up with something encouraging" i told her, eliciting a little laugh out of her. it wasn't much, but it was enough for her to come out of her shell and let me see her face again. "there's that face" i smiled at her, making her return a shy smile back.

"not now, bryce" she shook her head and attempted to put her face back in her hands, but i caught one of her hands and held it with mine on the counter.

"okay elle listen to me, you can't change the past. but you know what you can do, is shape your own future. never talk to that idiot again or anyone like him for that matter, only the best of people deserve your love."

"you're right, i can plan my future" she lifted her posture as if she was coming to a sort of realization. "and i want to be with only the best person, and that's you bryce" her lips came and connected with mine before i could even comprehend what she said. i immediately reciprocated, but she pulled away moments later.

"i'm sorry that was-"

"no, it was perfect. i love you elle" i said and reached to cup the side of her face with my hand as i leaned in for another kiss.

this moment i had waited so long for was finally happening, and i was ecstatic.

"i'm sorry it took me so long to see it, i feel like i knew it but you felt kind of off-limits, y'know. i didn't want to ruin the best friendship of my life, but i kind of did anyway. again i'm sorry, i don't know how to make it up to you, but anyway possible and i will." she said when she pulled away from our kiss.

"elly, i promise i forgive you. but if you really want to make it up to me that bad, you can let me take you out tonight." i smiled
"is it really making it up to you if i want to go out with you?" she asked, playing with my fingers like she always used to.
"so that's a yes?" i laughed
"of course it is" she kissed me again.

"tonight at 7 then, i'll pick you up." i told her, standing up from the bar stool.

"i can't wait" she said with a large smile on her face. "you're not leaving yet, are you? i kind of wanted to make out with you like a lot more before tonight." she linked her fingers through the belt loops on my pants, pulling me closer.
"well i wasn't planning on it, and now i'm definitely not" i brought my hands under her thighs to lift her up.
"i love you, bryce. so much" she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms came around my neck.
"love you too, eleanor. more than you know"

its been a hot minute, been super busy and not super motivated for writing. hope you like this, i know a bryce chapter was asked for by @jaylovesjjettas so i hope you like it

i tried really hard to make him not seem like a pick me boy, but it was harder than you think 😭he kinda sounds like that now and i don't know how to fix it but whatever, don't read too much into it

<3 toodles

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