pro day (andrei iosivas)

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today is my pro day and i am nervous as hell.

i flew in from new jersey to indianapolis and now i'm sitting in the backseat of an uber trying not to psych myself out.

i wouldn't be this freaked out if my girlfriend was here.

unfortunately for me, she was back at princeton university where she was sitting in her dorm sick like she was all week. that meant i hadn't seen alyssa in a full week because she didn't want to get me sick before my pro day.

when she said that she was gonna self-isolate, she was not lying. i went to her house everyday to drop off stuff, hoping she would let me in or at least come out to see me but she refused and would only ever talk to me over the phone. she also refused to facetime because she claimed she was ugly and sick.

i could never think she was ugly, but she was one stubborn girl and would not let me anywhere close to her. she was also incredibly selfless and it was killing me. i hadn't seen my girl in a week, and one of the most important weeks at that.

she had planned on coming to my pro day with me, but that was out of the picture when she got sick. i don't know what she had, but i knew it was bad. i could hear it in her voice in our calls so i wasn't anticipating her arrival today, which was a real downer on my mood.

"is here good?" my driver asked me, pulling into the parking lot of the indianapolis colts stadium.
"oh yeah, thanks so much." i said, getting pulled out of my thoughts by the car stopping.
"good luck today kid, i can tell you were nervous back there." he looked at me in his rearview mirror.
"thank you sir. just some early morning jitters. thanks again." i waved to him, getting out of his car.

his car drove off and i was left alone on the front steps of lucas oil stadium.

taking a deep breath, i walked through the front doors, officially marking the start of my pro day.

the frenzy started as soon as i walked through the doors where i was handed a lot of stuff and sent off to the locker rooms to change and then warm up.


i was stretching before my 40 yard dash when i heard my name being called from the front row of the bleachers. lifting my head i looked around to find who was yelling my name and found my mom waving her hands wildly in the air to get my attention.

the sight brought a smile to my face for the first time this morning as i began to walk over to where my both my parents were sitting. they both had big smiles on their face and my mom had her arms out to hug me.

"oh honey we're so proud of you! we believe in you, so go show them what you're made of out there" my mom said, her hands rubbing up and down my back in a comforting manner.
"thanks mom, love you"
"nice job son, don't be nervous out there" my dad pulled me into a hug of his own.
"thanks you guys" i said
"oh sweetie, what's wrong?" she asked, her mother intuition taking over.
"nothing. it's just i guess alyssa wasn't able to make it today" i sighed.
"i just saw her up there" she pointed and my head shot up faster than ever before.

lo and behold there was my girlfriend, looking like she was 3 steps from deaths door. not to be mean but she had 2 face masks on, a princeton sweatshirt under a winter coat, pajama pants, uggs, mittens, and a beanie. she was also carrying around a bag full of god knows what while a box of tissues sat next to her.

somehow she was freezing in the lucas oil dome. everyone else was wearing one layer of a long sleeve shirt and pants while she was bundled up like there was a blizzard inside. that told me just how awful she must be feeling right now.

she was sitting way up in the stands away from everyone else.

when she saw me make eye contact with her she waved her hand up in greeting and sent me a heart with her hands.

i waved back and blew her a kiss, but it didn't reach her as she soon fell into a severe coughing fit, holding her hand in the air as a way of telling me she was okay.

"i asked her to come down with us but she said no because we were gonna be with you and she didn't want to get you or us sick." my mom explained.
"if i knew she was this sick i would have told her to stay home." i frowned, "i actually didn't think she was coming at all. i didn't even ask her"
"sweetie you know she wouldn't miss this for the world. she loves you too much and i know you do too." my mom said watching her and i.
"i know, that's why i love her" i said, feeling my face warm up with my mom's comments.

while i was beyond grateful that she was so supportive and came all the way to indianapolis, i felt terrible for her. she looked absolutely miserable up there all by herself.

i also know she is way too stubborn to come down here even with her facemasks and gloves, so i was gonna have to settle for her waves and constantly looking up at her for support.


a couple hours had past at this point and my pro day was finally over.

wasting no time, i darted up into the stands where she was. when she noticed me coming she had a look of horror in her eyes as she got up trying to pack up her stuff and get away.

"y/n! pro day is over" i called out to her.
"andrei i don't want you to get sick you have a lot ahead of you after today" she warned, her voice croaking as she said it.
"i haven't been able to hold you all week, get over here" i said despite her complaining.
"no no no andrei" she repeated when my arms came around her. "okay i missed you" i could hear her muffled voice say as she wrapped her arms around me.
"i was so worried you weren't gonna be here. i didn't know if i could do this without you, but if you were feeling this bad you shouldn't have came." i told her, removing my arms from around her and instead cupping her face with my hands.
"you thought i was gonna miss this? i would've shown up even if i was on the other side of the world, but can you please let me sit down i'm getting dizzy" she said tiredly.
"oh yeah yeah, i'm sorry" i helped her sit down and set my hand on her forehead. "babe you are burning up, don't you want to take this hat off?" i asked her with concern.
"i'm freezing what are you talking about."
"okay that's not healthy, are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital i'm worried" i grasped her hand in mine.
"i have a doctors appointment tomorrow in dayton so i can stay with my mom for the weekend. i'll be fine i promise." she reassured me.
"you drove to indianapolis from new jersey?!" i asked her astounded, "are you crazy. and while you probably have an 106 degree fever."
"i couldn't just not show up" she reasoned quietly like she knew she sounded insane.
"oh my crazy, supportive girlfriend. i love you so much but don't do that again i beg of you." i planted a kiss to the top of her head and pulled her into my chest. "okay i'm gonna drive you to your mom's house."
"alright, i'm gonna take a nap in the back of my car, call me when you're coming out." she said, grabbing her things and starting to leave. "also you did amazing today andrei, i can't wait to watch you live out your dreams this year." she gushed making me smile.
"wait before you go" i walked up to her, "i need to do something" i said and pulled down her mask to kiss her in the lips.

she kissed back for a moment before pulling away abruptly, "andrei i swear you're just asking to get sick at this point." she shook her head and pulled the mask back up. she started to walk away again, but i could see her eyes were smiling.
"love you lyss" i called after her.
"love you andrei" she said and walked out of my sight.

standing there i let out a large breath i was holding in and rubbed my forehead.

i love her so much, but the word 'crazy' does not do her actions justice sometimes. but at the same time i know i would have done the same thing if our places were switched.

this one was kinda short but i hope you guys like it, i know some of you have wanted a chapter on andrei for a while (i get it he's a total cutie)

love ya <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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