Sneak Peek

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~Anonymous person messages to Swelleview~

Anonymous: Attention Everyone in Swelleview. Caption Man has a goddaughter name Melody Edison. She is 15 and goes to swellview high. You can see her with Henry and Piper Hart, Charlotte Page, Jasper Dunlop, Mika Mackin, and Lula Elena Chapa De Silva. She has been seen publicly and is currently at Kid Danger’s funeral. She is also a superhero named Spirit. She has the ability to heal herself and see other people's emotions. If you get this girl you will have direct contact with Captain Man himself. I hope you all enjoy this information and here is a picture of her down below.
Anonymous: sent picture
Random 1: Yes a direct way to get revenge on Caption Man.
Random 2: I know that girl she is in my class!
Random 3: Wait isn’t that the girl who sang on the news?
Piper: Leave her alone she is only a kid.

~Close Messages~

*Sorry for not posting any parts. My family went on vacation last week so I wasn't able to post.*

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