4. (M) 🔞

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Jungkook opened the door to
his dorm room slowly, dreading the introductions and forced small-talk that would have to happen when his roommate finally showed up.

But thankfully, the room
was dark and when Jungkook turned on the light, his side
of the room was just as he'd
left it, boxes and clothes
taking up most of the already inadequate floor space.

The other half of the room
his mystery roommate's half
was still completely empty.

Maybe Jungkook would get
his wish after all and the
guy wouldn't show up for
another day or two.

That would be a welcome
break, especially if God forbid
the next few days ended
up being as hectic as the
first one had.

He couldn't even imagine what
it was going to be like when classes actually started.

Just getting from one end of
the campus to the other was
a chore and he wasn't even
on a schedule yet.

He quickly shrugged out of
his clothes until he was only
in his boxers and then
climbed under the covers
of the too-small bed with the too-thin, too-firm mattress.

It was a far cry from the
bed he'd left at home.

College life was definitely
going to take some getting
used to.

But he was too tired to even
care about the discomfort.

He'd been a ball of nerves
for most of the day and it
had been exhausting.

Running into Jimin had been
nice really nice actually but it
had sent his anxiety through
the roof, at least initially.

And even after Jungkook had become more comfortable,
there had still been a million
little things about Jimin that
had given him a case of
irrational nerves and a whole stomach full of butterflies.

His phone vibrated on the
desk next to his bed and he jumped to answer it, the butterflies returning in full
force at the thought of Jimin texting him so soon.

They'd only exchanged
numbers a couple of hours
ago and Jungkook honestly hadn't expected to hear from
him for anything except the tutoring.

Except when he squinted at
the message, it wasn't
from Jimin.

It was from Kai.

We need to talk.

I'm going to call you later.

Always a sweet-talker...

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

Kai had probably been out drinking Or couldn't find any
one else to give him head
and thought he'd score
with Jungkook.


About to go to sleep.

Long day.

Call tomorrow if you want.

He put the phone back on the dresser after he'd sent the
reply and silently cursed
himself for adding the last

He didn't want Kai to call him tomorrow or ever again, for
that matter.

But the idea of cutting some
one out of his life particularly when that person had been
such a big part of his life and
for so long was still painful.

And Jungkook was getting stronger but he wasn't quite there yet.


If Kai called back and that
was far from guaranteed
he'd deal with it tomorrow.

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