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It was moving day.

For Jimin, anyway.

With a month left until the
end of the semester, Jungkook was still required to stay in
the freshman dorms for now.

But Jimin's lease was up
and after quite a bit of consideration, they'd
decided to get a place
together with Jungkook
moving in over winter break.

Today was Jimin's turn

They'd rented a truck and
had already started to load
some of the smaller things
while they waited on
Jungkook's parents to
get there with a dolly.

Jimin had been surprised at
how helpful they'd been at
every step of the way, from
the moment Jungkook had introduced Jimin as his

Jungkook might roll his eyes when his mom sent a text
asking about every little
detail of the move most of
which would have never even occurred to him otherwise.

But Jimin was enjoying her enthusiasm.

At least Jungkook's parents
had been supportive.

Jimin couldn't help but
compare their excitement
to his own parents
reaction to the news.

He'd come out to his mom
and dad over the phone and while he could've maybe
done more to prep them for
it, it had still been one of the most awkward conversations he'd ever had, ending when
he finally hung up the phone after several minutes of
barely interrupted silence.

And now, he wondered if
the close relationship he'd
had with his parents would
ever be the same.

Jungkook as always had been
the voice of reason, reassuring Jimin that they'd come
around eventually.

But he could see his own
sadness reflected in
Jungkook's eyes when
ever the subject came up.

Why couldn't things anything,
for that matter just be simple?

Was it too much to ask that
the people in their lives be
happy for him and Jungkook?

Wasn't love something that should be celebrated?

A knock on the door
interrupted his thoughts.

He started walking through
from the kitchen to answer it, peeking his head into the bedroom where Jungkook
was organizing boxes.

"Babe, I didn't think your
parents were coming over
until after lunchtime?"

Jungkook shrugged.

"That's what they told me."

"My mom probably made
other plans or something."

"She's always got a million
things going on."

Jimin grinned as he
continued to the front door.

Jungkook's mom was
definitely one of a kind.

A "force of nature." in
Jungkook's words.

And Jimin couldn't disagree.

Still, she'd swooped in and
taken him under her wing
with an enthusiasm that
was pretty remarkable.

Even Tae had seemed
genuinely happy for the two
of them, when Jimin had
broken the news to his
old high school buddy.

If he was lucky enough to
call Jungkook's family in-
laws someday, he would be thankful.

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