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It was Saturday afternoon.

Even though it had only been
one full week since Jimin had reappeared in his life, it felt
like so much longer.

Maybe it was because of the years they'd already spent
at the edge of each other's consciousness or maybe
they were just like opposites sides of the same coin,
meant to be together.

He preferred the latter but
his imagination did tend to
have a flair for the dramatic.

Whatever the case was, he couldn't believe it was
actually happening.

That somehow going out on
a date with Park Jimin
could even be happening
in real life in his life.

Between football practice
and piles of homework from
the first week of classes.

They hadn't seen much of
each other in the two days
since the confrontation with
Kai but they had been texting almost constantly and had spoken on the phone at
least a half-dozen times
over the fifty or so hours
that had passed.

And now, with their first
date happening in just a
few hours, Jungkook had to figure out what to wear and somehow calm his nerves enough to get through the evening without throwing up.

As he flipped through the
shirts hanging in his closet,
he wasn't sure which
challenge seemed more daunting.

Not that he thought Jimin
would particularly care
what he wore.

The way he had looked at
Jungkook, as if they were
the only two people who
existed on the planet at that moment, had given him a
surge of quiet confidence that
he hadn't ever felt with Kai.

Like Jimin really saw him.

And appreciated him for all
the things he saw.

Jungkook shrugged out of
his t-shirt and began putting
on a striped button-down
but then got it halfway
on and changed his mind.

The next two shirts he
grabbed were just as frustratingly boring and
bland, too.

Would Jimin care about
Jungkook's shirt? Or shoes?

Jimin was always
immaculately put together.

But Jungkook simply
didn't know for sure.

Just like he hadn't been
familiar with the movie that
Jimin had suggested they
go see after dinner.

Or the fact that he hadn't ever been to the Thai place that
Jimin said was his favorite.

And, if things went well, he
didn't know what that
meant, either.

Was Jimin looking for
something long-term?

Just a fling?

Just sex?

And then, when would be a
good time for Jungkook to
tell his brother about Jimin?

That wasn't going to be a
fun conversation.

"Oh, God." He said out loud, sitting down on the bed with
the shirt that had been his fourth-runner-up still
only half-buttoned.

For all the ways he felt like
he already knew Jimin, there
was still so much he really
didn't know.

And wasn't even sure if he should ask.

How many of those worries
were legitimate and how
many only seemed valid to
his hyperactive brain?

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