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When he heard the knock on
his door, his heart almost
leapt into his throat.

He'd felt a sudden rush of excitement and anxiety,
knowing that there was
really only one person who
would show up at his door unannounced.

He'd felt bad not answering
Jimin's calls or texts but
there was no other way.

Even after a week of not
talking, he didn't trust himself.

One moment of weakness
was all it would take for him
to go running back, ready to
give up whatever it took to
keep Jimin in his life.

Even if that meant going back into the closet.

And that just wasn't a
sacrifice he could make.

Not for anyone.

He crossed the short distance from his bed to the door and tried to calm his nerves for a moment before answering.

What was he going to say?

Should he even answer?

Maybe he could pretend like
he wasn't there...

But no.

Jimin had come over.

Had felt strongly enough to
see him in person.

He had to respect that.

And besides, he couldn't
skulk around forever, hoping
his heart would mend before
he'd have to see Jimin.

The campus wasn't that big.

He mustered a weak smile
and opened the door.

And then his smile completely disappeared, replaced by an overwhelming sense of dread.

Jimin hadn't been on the
other side of the door.

"Wait." Kai said, wedging his
foot into the doorway just
before he could close it in
his face.

"We need to talk."

"No, I don't have anything
to say to you, Kai."

"You need to leave."

"I'll leave after you hear
me out but not before."

"We can do this the easy way
or the hard way, You decide."

Jungkook hesitated.

Kai was literally the last
person he wanted to talk to.

But at the same time, he
knew that kai wouldn't leave until he'd said whatever was
on his mind, even if he had
to yell it through the crack
in the door for everyone in
the dorms to hear.

And then, something flipped inside of him, like a switch.

He wasn't scared of Kai.

That feeling that had been building inside had been anger.

He was mad.

Mad as hell, in fact.

And come to think of it, there were a few things he wanted
kai to hear, too.

He opened the door and
Kai stepped inside.

"I thought you'd see things
my way." He said with a sneer.

"Just say what you need to
say." Kai shrugged.

"I really just came by to see if you were ready to apologize."

Running Back To Him || JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now