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Jungkook had felt completely numbwhen he'd left Jimin's apartment.

What had started out as one
of the most enjoyable nights
he'd had since... ever, really
had ended up being one of
the worst.

And it had hurt even more
that he couldn't really blame
Jimin for not knowing.

For not having all of the
answers right at that moment.

Even though he had
desperately needed to hear something that would have
given him even a faint
glimmer of hope.

He'd called off lunch with
his family, saying that he
was sick.

The last thing he'd wanted to
do was to fake enthusiasm
with his parents and brother.

And by the time he'd made it back to the dorms, he'd legitimately felt sick.

Sick of things being

Sick of Kai.

Sick of the small towns and
small minds that had left Jimin with an agonizing choice.

A choice that in the end, Jungkook had simply made
for him.

They hadn't talked about it again, hadn't officially "ended" their fledgling relationship.

But for Jungkook, there had
been no doubt in his mind
that it had been over the moment he'd walked out the door of Jimin's apartment.

He'd struggled for years to
come to terms with who he
was and even though he still
had a long way to go on the
road to loving everything
about himself, he wasn't
about to spend months or
years keeping his relationship hidden. He couldn't.

And it was something that
would have inevitably come
up in their relationship
sooner or later.

Sooner probably, once the
"new relationship" feeling
had worn off.

Kai had simply hurried that process along.

But it didn't make it hurt
any less.

Jungkook rolled over and checked his phone.

He'd climbed into bed and burrowed beneath the
blankets as soon as he'd returned to the dorms.

And even though it was mid-afternoon by the time he'd
poked his head out again, he wasn't ready to think about facing the world yet.

Not even close.

He had four missed calls.

One from his parents and
three from Jimin one every
hour since he'd left the apartment.

It didn't matter, though.

He wouldn't call Jimin back.

It would be too hard to stay strong, to do what was undoubtedly best for both
of them otherwise.

Talking to Jimin would only
be inviting more trouble
and more heartache.

Jungkook had made the
decision and he was going
to have to stick by it.

"It's for the best." He
repeated to himself out loud.

But if the idea had been to convince himself, it hadn't worked.

He'd cried so much already
that his tears had dried
with no more left to cry.

But his body still convulsed in
a silent sob as he mourned the loss of a relationship that had never really had a chance.

It wasn't fair and it had been foolish of him to think that
he'd finally caught a break.

That the stars could align
and the universe could give
him someone like Jimin.

It just didn't happen.

Even though, for a few short weeks, it had seemed like it might.

Had seemed like there had
been some universal clerical error that had made the impossible happen.

But at the end of the day
Jungkook was still alone.

The odds had not been in
his favor.

And the sooner he got over
it, the better off he'd be.

For now, though for today, at least he was going to mourn.

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