Not This Princess

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Hey guys, I'm starting a new story... again =p hope you like it.... so lets get this show on the road...

Not This Princess

Chapter 1

Some people say that my life is like Cinderella's but I disagree. I don't have an evil stepmother nor do I have evil stepsisters. I have two siblings; my ten year old sister Olivia and my twenty year old brother, Tristian. My parents are David and Melanie Tomonas. They are very nice people and fairly good parents. I guess there is only one real similarity between me and old Cindy.

I am a princess. Princess Gabriella Tomonas of Baltoria and I'm sick and tired of it.

If I could compare my life to any fictional character, it would be Juliet Capulet of Romeo and Juliet. Tragic. My life is a tragic. Most girls would give anything to be a princess just for a day, some even their own family. But I wouldn't. I would do the exact opposite. I would give anything to be a normal girl with a normal house and a normal life.

All my life I was raised with people bowing down to me, raised with people giving me everything I wanted, not challenging anything I do or say. I don't want that. I don't want to be the person that people look up to and I don't want to be the main target for paparazzi. I don't want to be known as Gabriella Tomonas, princess of Baltoria. I want to be Gabriella Tomonas. Just Gabriella Tomonas. No strings attached.

But that can't happen.

The only time that I'm even remotely close to being a normal teenage girl is in school. I go to Lady Julia's School for Gifted Children. When I first arrived, people treated me like a princess. They would part when I walked down the hallway, begged for forgiveness if I bumped into Them, and that pretty much annoyed the shit out of me.

Excuse my launguage. Of course you'll have to excuse it since I'm "the princess."

Even the popular crowd tried to take me in, but I didn't accept it. I wasn't into that whole "drama" thing. They continued to try but I continued to refuse and they soon gave up and ignored me instead. I have one best friend. Felicia Underwood. She didn't treat me any better than she would treat a bum on the side of the street. But that didn't mean that she wasn't nice to me. Felicia was the sweetest person you could ever meet. She's optimistic, bubbly, and an overall naturally happy person. It was actually very hard to burst her bubble. All the boys in the school were either madly in love with her, or wanted to get in her pants but she doesn't realize it.

Although Felicia is nice, she isn't the brightest crayon in the crayon box, or the sharpest pencil in the case, or.... you get my point. When boys ask her out her usual response is "why?" and they usually walk away crushed. It's sad really.

 "Gabriella Tomonas!" My thoughts were interrupted by one of the maids, Lucy. There was a knock on my door and I gave permission for her to come in. "Your mother is looking for you and she is very angry with you," she said wagging her finger at me.

I rolled my eyes but got up from my bed anyway. You don't just ignore the queen. I sidestepped Lucy, muttering a thanks, and walked slowly down the long, mahogany, staircase. When I reached the bottom, mother was waiting for me with both hands on her hips.

"Hurry, hurry. Don't just stand there, we have to get ready for the party." she rushed. She took my hand and dragged me towards one of the rooms in the castle. The dress up room, as I like to call it. She nudged me in and I sat in the chair as I waited for the transformation to happen.

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