Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

For the next couple of weeks, I continued to do my training and my classes. I eventually passed all the tests that  Baldy and his minions threw at me with flying colors. I could climb a fifty foot rope in ten seconds, give anyone a note or object by simply walking past them, could tell if someone was lying without them even finishing the sentence they were saying and basically do anything else that you would need to be a secret agent/ spy.

The classes with Lady Anabella continued and soon I knew everything. Not only was I book smart, but I was street smart; something that I could never have been before because of my social status. Before, if I got stranded on a deserted island with no food and little water, I would die in an hour. But now, I would build my own replica of New York City in a matter of days.

I also learned to act better than anyone in the movies. If I needed to, I could get myself out of any situation with just a couple of words. I wouldn't even break a sweat.

I learned to conserve. By conserve, I mean everything. My breath, my supplies, and my energy. If I didn't need to talk, I wouldn't talk. If I didn't need something enough that I might die without it, I would not use it. If I could, I would stay still for as long as possible.

I was unstoppable.

"Okay, I have good news." Merideth told me. It had been three months since I started the whole POP business and I was ready for the real reason why POP was created.

"You are finally finished with your training." she said. I immediately started jumping up and down and squealing like the dumb teenage girls on television. I couldn't help it. I was so excited  for this. I had been waiting for this day forever. This day, along with my graduation day. My graduation day is when I officially graduated from being a trainee and I was an actual POP agent.

"Calm down, calm down," Medrideth told me moving her hands in a soothing motion. "Normally after you finish graduation, you don't get to start a mission for a couple of months."

My face fell. "What?! Why?!" I exclaimed. Now what was I supposed to do with my time? Just sit? If I had no more classes to go to and no more training, how would I spend my days? Without this, I have nothing to look forward to when I'm at school and at more parties.

I feel like my life is over.

"You aren't ready yet. Just because you've finished your training, doesn't mean that you can go out and do things that other, experienced agents can do. It's common sense book one, look it up." Merideth tells me and rolls her eyes like that was the obvious reason.

"But if I don't go on missions, how am I gonna get practice?" I ask.

"Well, we have a lot of minor missions come in, and that's what we give to our newbies," She answers. "They're usually really easy missions that aren't complicated."

I groaned. "Fine, when do I get one of those?" I said sadly.

"Well, that's where we're going right now. To see if there are any missions for you to do," she said.

So that's where we were going. I was wondering  where we were going, since I noticed that we were taking a different route than usual.

"So, there's a room that shows all the missions?" I asked.

"Yes. Anything that looks suspicious goes through the computers in that room and the people who work there, determine if it's significant or not. Then, anything that is significant is put in a file where we get our missions from."

I nodded. This was a very interesting process. We continued walking down the hallway in a comfortable silence and we finally reached a door and Merideth pulled out a key and opened it.

The room was busy. As soon as she opened the door, a man came jostling out and almost collided with us. Almost.

Meriedeth then proceeded to walk over to a guy who looked to be in his thirties. He had short brown hair, green eyes, a pointy nose and thin lips. He was very skinny. I immediately committed him to my memory.

"Hello Merideth." He greeted with a warm smile. "Who's this?" He asked and pointed at me.

"This is Gabriella Tomonas and she's a newbie to the business. Hasn't even graduated yet. I was hoping that you could give me a..." she trailed off after that. She had noticed too.

As soon as she mentioned my name, Cole's face drained of color. He looked shocked, scared and sad all at the same time.

"What's wrong?" Merideth asked slowly.

"Did you say her name was Gabriella Tomonas?" he asked with a whisper. Merideth and I both nodded.

He rapidly typed words into his computer, staring at the screen the whole time. Then he paused as he scanned the screen. Then he jumped out of his computer chair and whispered something in another person's ear. I could tell the news was surprising as the mans eyes widened.

"What's going on?" I asked Merideth but all she did was shrug her shoulders.

The man Cole had whispered to typed on his computer, doing the exact same thing Cole had done. What was going on?

"What's happening?" Merideth asked Cole, who was shuffling across the room. I tried to figure out what he was doing but he just seemed to be pacing.

He sighed and began to talk.

"Last week we received a call. We tried to trace the number but it was blocked and anything we tried would not work. The voice on the other end was disguised so we couldn't use voice recognition either." He paused.

"And?" Merideth prodded.

"Well, the other person on the line gave us a threat. They said that if someone with the initials GFT didn't come and meet him at some weird volcano place in two weeks time, then he would, and I quote, 'do very bad things'." Then he looked at me. "What's your middle name?" he asked gravely.

"Faith." I said, barely above a whisper.

"Why am I just now hearing about this?!" Merideth yells, which makes me angry. This has nothing to do with her! I should be the angry one. "Did you send any agents?"

"Well, since we've recieved that call, we've sent an agent everyday and none of them have returned." He said, the look on his face, if even possible, became more grave.

"How do you know that they aren't just doing their job?" I ask.

"Well, we have a system that tracks everywhere our agents go and there is this one area where each of our agents disappear." He sits back down into his computer chair and shows me a map and points to where each of his agents disappear.

"We try to contact them, but it doesn't work. If they were their, we would have picked up on their location. It just confuses everyone here. It's like they've simply fallen off the face of the Earth," He says.

"So, what's going to happen?' I ask no one in general, but Merideth responds.

She looks straight at me and says, "I guess we'll have to give him what he wants."


dun dun duuun.

Hahaha. So sorry for the long wait, I know I promised not to do that again but at this moment, I'm focused on my other story. I need to finish it. So these uploads will be a lot more stretched out until I come close to finish my other story. But that won't be long... it feels like there will only be a couple more of those chapters.

Sorry it's short, but it's good right?

Things are about to get spicy!!!



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2012 ⏰

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