Chapter 2

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RECAP: "You see that girl?" Merideth asked. I nodded my head, not taking my eyes away from the screen. Now she was smelling food, I think to see which one was poisonous. After she picked one out, she had to eat it. I do not want to be in er shoes. "You're going to do all that starting tomorrow." I nodded my head dazed but then it started to sink in. "I'll be in your room when you get back from school tomorrow," she explained, completely ignoring what I said.

Chapter 2

"Do we have to go home?" I begged Felicia. "We could go over to your house or the park!" I added and smiled at my new idea. Yeah, the park. That's way better than acting like a secret agent.

Felicia frowned at me. "My mom put me in lockdown. She won't let me go anywhere," she said. "I thought I told you that already," she said with a thoughtful look on her face, actually trying to remember if she had told me that. 

She had, but I just really did not want to go home. It was ridiculous, what this woman was trying to get me to do. How do you expect me of all people to be in physical pain? I know I sound snobby right now, but really, I haven't done anything remotely similar to this in my entire life! She can't really expect me to do this without a fight.

"Please!" I begged some more. 

"I can't!"

I groaned. "Fine," and I got into the limo that picked me up everyday. "Do you need a ride?" I asked her. She thought about it than shook her head so we headed off. 

"Can you drive extra slow?" I asked Richard.

"Why?" He asked. Richard is one of my best friends. He's super smart and gives the best advice, and since he's been driving me around for a while now, it's hard not to get to know each other.

"Because," I said vaguely. He gave me a weird look but he slowed down a bit. "And can we go the long way to the castle?" I asked again.

"What's going on Gab?" he asked.

"Hey have you noticed that everyone calls me by a different name? Mother calls me Ella, Felicia calls me Gabby and you call me Gabs," I said, quickly changing the subject. The lady didn't exactly tell me that the whole POP thing was a secret but I'm pretty sure that I'm not supposed to tell anyone.

He gave me a knowing look. Shoot, this guy knows me too well. I sighed. "Neverming Richard," I said and sulked into my seat. I guess there was no denying it now, I'm going to end up bruised and battered by the end of today.

Lord, help me.

When we reached the castle gates, I silently prayed that the person who controlled the gates was sleeping, but he was awake and to me, it seemed like we got to the front in record time. Was the world against me today?

I took my time in getting out of the limo. Read 'walked like a turtle out of the limo'.

"Your taking an awfully long time with that," Richard said, streching out the awfully.

"Well, I just, uh," I started, struggling to find something to say. "It's hard to walk in these shoes," I said coming up with something. I'm proud of myslef.

"You are wearing flats."

I decided to ignore that. When I finally, finally, got out of my ride, I trudged to the castle door. I took out my key and was about to use it when the door flung open and was greeted by my big brother, Tristian.

"Tristian!" I exclaimed and gave him a big bear hug, my keys dropping to the ground. I never used them anyways. Not an exaggeration, I really had never used them in my life.

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