Chapter 5

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sorry for the long wait!


Chapter 5

"Can you come to my house today?' I threw the note at Felicia's head and watched as she flinched and said a quiet "ow" before picking it up and reading it. Once she finished she looked at me and shook her head no while mouthing the word.

"Ms. Underwood, do you have anything to say to the class?" The teacher, Lady Mariam, asked her.

Felicia looked up at her and shook her head. "I don't know most of the class so I can't really have a conversation with them," she said. I put my head on the desk. Sometimes Felicia could be so dumb. She wasn't trying to be rude to the teacher, she was just being literal, and most teachers don't like her for that.

But Lady Mariam knew this so she simply shook her head and went on with the lesson. I tore out another page from my notebook to send another note to Felicia. I wanted to know why she couldn't come. Ever since this absurd secret agent thing started, I haven't been hanging out with her as much as I used to. I missed her.

But before I could throw another piece of paper at her the bell rang, signalling that we could leave. I ran up to her and asked her why she couldn't come.

"I'm on another lock down. My mom says I talk back to her too much," she answered and rolled her eyes. As well as the teachers, Felicia was literal with her parents too.

"Please," I begged. "You haven't come over in forever!" 

She frowned. "I know and I'm sorry for that but I just cannot come today," she said and hugged me. Then she suddenly let go. "The Prince," she whispered in my ear.

I knew exactly who she was talking about. 'The Prince' was our codename for an especially cute guy who goes to our school and he was walking towards us at this moment. We watched as he sauntered down the hallway with a smirk on his lips. He definitely knew he was good looking, yet he never had a girlfriend. Maybe he was waiting for the right girl.

Or princess.

It's not like Caleb(Prince) doesn't know me. We've talked to each other a bunch of times. It would be hard not to since the only teacher who assigns seats put him right next to me on the first day of school. Not that I'm complaining. We've had to do group work and we've become friends. Just not close enough that we would actually talk to each other outside of class. So I guess you could call us acquaintances instead of friends.

"Oh my Princess, he's walking towards us!" Felicia squealed into my ear in excitement nearly busting my eardrum. I fought of the wince because I did not want him to see me make any kind of face that was not attractive.

He continued to walk closer to us, making me more excited than ever, then he walked right past us. Only stopping to give us a wink.

A wink.

A wink, a wink, a wink.

A wink!

"Did you see that?" I asked quietly. Maybe it was my imagination. "Did you see that!" I turned to Felecia and saw that she was standing there with her mouth in the shape of an 'o'. I guess it wasn't my imagination.

"He winked at you!" She finally said and started jumping up and down.

"What? Me?" I asked, appalled. "It was both of us. He winked at both of us."

Felicia rolled her eyes. "Yeah right," she scoffed. "That wink was definitely aimed at you," she said.

"Whatever," I replied. I didn't admit that I was actually flattered that she thought he winked at me.  "I don't have time to obsess over Caleb. I have to get to class." I was lying. I could obsess over Caleb all day and not get tired of it. He is just way to good looking for his own good.

Felicia rolled her eyes again and shook her head. "Whatever you say," she said, then she walked to her next class which was at the opposite side of the school my next class was.

"Bye!" I called out and started to make my way down the hallway to my next class, thinking about Caleb the whole way there. In my daze I bumped into an awkward looking kid with short brown hair and brown eyes.

"Oh, sorry," I apologized.

He gave me a strange look. "No, I am sorry," he said and then walked away.

I hate when people do that.

Ignoring his response I continued on my way to my next class.

At the end of the school day, I made my way over to Richard to go home. The car ride was silent, mostly because I was still thinking about Caleb. The guy is so good looking I could cry.

As I was thinking, I realized that I was doing more training today. I also realized that I wasn't upset about it like I usually was. I was actually excited because I now knew how to solve the puzzle that had been haunting me for weeks. I really couldn't wait to show all those men that I am not an imbisle.

When we got home, I didn't even bother taking my key out. Partly because, again, I never use it and partly because I can't seem to find it...

But I'm not worrying about it. It will turn up.

The first thing I did when I entered the house was take the elevator to my room. Meredith was waiting for me.

"Come on," she simply said and led me the familiar way to the secret, underground secret agent place.

"Today, there's a special lesson with Lady Annabella so we're doing that first and then we will carry on with your usual tasks," she said.

I nodded. I could wait.

Meredith dropped me off at the door and I went in and sat down at my usual table. When the rest of the class filled in, Lady Annabella started the lesson.

"Okay class, today where learning how to know when someones lying," she started. "Okay, there are many factors in..."

After the lesson, we headed over to the room with the squares. Finally. It was my time to shine.

"Get across the room," Baldy said.

I smiled and walked and stepped on the starting strip. Then I simply avoided all the white squares and got to the door. I opened it and there was the baldy and the rest of his men.

"Congrats," he said. I smiled and thanked him with a nod. I had realized something when I was solving the riddles with Lady Annabella. Baldy had said to get across the room without touching the white squares.

But the floor wasn't just squares. Each shape had a different size. Only a few of them were squares. So with that information, it was actually very simple to get across the room.

I think I'm getting better at this secret agent stuff.


Woo! Two uploads in one day! I'm on a roll!

haha.. anyways, I'm sorry for the long wait. I will never do that again! Promise!

Hope you liked this chapter... i introduced a new character! Remember him. He's important! Pic on the side is Caleb.. it looks kinda stretched out though, doesn't it?





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